Tips For Marketing With Pinterest

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It’s easy to market on widely used, general purpose social networks like Facebook and Twitter—as long as you know what you’re doing, anyway. But smaller, niche… Read More

Are 90% Of Your Customers Recommending You?

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  For years, word-of-mouth advertising has been the Holy Grail of the marketing world. Nothing else touches it as far as effectiveness. Ah, but getting people to recommend your products or services to others remains a huge challenge. Just how… Read More

Top 5 Mistakes Brands Make On Twitter

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Twitter has great potential for social media marketing. It allows you to communicate information in bite-sized chunks that your followers can access wherever they are. It can be used to build anticipation,… Read More

HubSpot – Tips For Maximizing Your Social Reach

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  A successful content marketing plan is geared toward bringing people in and turning them into leads and ultimately customers. The more successful a content marketing campaign is, the more people are brought in. There are a lot of different… Read More

5 Essentials For Your Inbound Marketing Plan

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If you’re just starting out in inbound marketing, you may find it kind of daunting. It’s being heralded as the next big thing in brand promotion, and the future of the marketing… Read More