Social Media: Lessons From the Campaign Trail

Image for Social Media: Lessons From the Campaign Trail
As this year’s Presidential election draws nearer, many Americans are wondering just what they’ve learned from all the months of political ads, robo-calls, mailings, and print ads. What we’ve learned about marketing,… Read More

How to Track Your Blog Visitors

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It is said that “no man or woman is an island” in the blogosphere. You can believe this if you can prove that people are visiting your blog. Knowing about your traffic… Read More

How to Optimize Your Use of Facebook

Image for How to Optimize Your Use of Facebook
Facebook is closing in on a billion users this summer and is, without argument, the largest social media community online. Your target audience is… Read More

How-To Change Facebook Link Thumbnail and Description

Image for How-To Change Facebook Link Thumbnail and Description
Have you ever went to post a status update about one of your website's pages and the thumbnail Facebook chose to show wasn't the image you wanted? Have you ever posted a link, and no thumbnail showed?Facebook has a coding technology called "OpenGraph" that allows a website to tell Facebook what information to display when someone shares a link. This can be crucial for a fine-tuned social media campaign. Let’s say you have a page, and you want to change the image that shows when someone likes or links to that page on Facebook. Or, you want the description or title to read differently, well, how do you do that? And how do you test it without posting it on your facebook? The Facebook Debugger Tool Read More