Marketing and Nailing Jell-O to a Tree

Image for Marketing and Nailing Jell-O to a Tree
  Every now and then you’ll hear someone describing a difficult process as being “like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree.” It doesn’t matter what color the Jell-O is, or what kind of nail you use, or how hard you hit the nail. It just doesn’t work. Read More

It’s All in Your Head: NLP and Direct Mail Campaigns

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  If you have never heard of NLP, you are not alone. NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, has been around since the seventies, but it is only recently that it has been embraced by certain online marketers as a method to convert more. Here, we give you a crash course in what NLP is, and how you can use it to improve your direct marketing campaigns. Read More

Consistency is Key: Matching Your Direct Mail Campaign to Your Brand

Image for Consistency is Key: Matching Your Direct Mail Campaign to Your Brand
  You may not realize it, but your company has a personality. That personality is your brand, and your brand determines how your customers think and feel about you, and what they expect from you. Your brand may be carefully calculated and executed, or it may be something that has evolved organically over time. Whichever is true for you, however, you need to make sure that your direct mail campaigns match and complement your brand. Here is how you can do that. Read More

The Psychology of Color: How Your Color Choices Impact Sales

Image for The Psychology of Color: How Your Color Choices Impact Sales
  You probably don’t think about color much. Maybe you leave the graphic design up to someone else. Perhaps you just use the same colors for everything, regardless of what it is. If any of those apply, however, you need to stop, sooner rather than later, and start paying attention to color. Read More

Writing for Print Marketing vs. Writing for Digital Marketing

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  You might not realize this, but not all writing is created equal. The type of copywriting and content that you use on your website is different to the writing required for long form printed marketing materials, and they both differ from short form printed marketing materials. Here is a basic cheat sheet for the various types of writing you are likely to require for your business. Read More

Success Stories: Using Direct Mail to Sell New Homes

Image for Success Stories: Using Direct Mail to Sell New Homes
  It often helps to see how others are doing it, especially the ones who’re doing it with panache and a high degree of success. But it’s not quite enough to look at what they’re doing, it’s necessary to understand exactly what in their direct mail campaigns is hitting the spot amongst buyers, so you can apply similar strategies. Read More

How Small Businesses Can Optimize Direct Mail Open Rates

Image for How Small Businesses Can Optimize Direct Mail Open Rates
  Direct mail is one of the best ways to connect with new customers and rekindle your relationship with old ones. The first thing people see is the outer envelope, so this is the prime area to focus your message and attract attention. It should conform to postal standards, of course, but it should also tempt recipients to open it up and read what’s inside. Here are a few tips on how to optimize direct mail to improve open rates. Read More