Snail Mail Is Not Dead: Direct Mail In the Digital Age

Image for Snail Mail Is Not Dead: Direct Mail In the Digital Age
  With the rise of constantly improving technology, many people believe that direct mail is losing its relevance. This does not have to be true. Along with the digital age come a number of ways to continue to use direct mail as a marketing strategy. Read More

How To Design a Suitable Digital Marketing Budget

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With so many different digital marketing strategies to choose from, it can be a challenge to decide where and how to allocate your budget. Deciding how much your business can comfortably… Read More

How Many Ways Are You Talking With Your Customers?

Image for How Many Ways Are You Talking With Your Customers?
Chances are you’re already talking with your customers and prospects on a regular basis—and that’s a good thing. But are you talking where they’re listening? If you want to reach a broader… Read More

Marketing Today: The Myth of Perfect Timing

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There’s no way around it . . . marketing costs money. So when companies spend money on marketing, they want to be sure they do it right and get the most bang… Read More

Is Your Marketing Out of Control?

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Do you ever feel like your marketing efforts are out of control? It’s not like you’re not trying, but the things you used to do don’t seem to be working. You’re… Read More

Marketing Failure is Not an Option (Oh, Really?)

Image for Marketing Failure is Not an Option (Oh, Really?)
Guest Post, Mike Smith of WordSmith Creative Fans of the classic Ron Howard space epic Apollo 13 will remember the galvanizing quote from mission control director Gene Kranz when the ground crew… Read More