It’s all in the Database: List Maintenance Best Practices

Image for It’s all in the Database: List Maintenance Best Practices
  A direct mail campaign is a great way to get your message across to a large number of people and businesses in a particular area. However, even with the best graphic design and a message that is timely and on point, if you’re not paying attention to maintaining your database of contacts, you might be spending money on marketing that will never be seen. Here are a few essential tips to keep your direct mail database up to date. Read More

Sorry! How to Recover When You’ve Made a Massive Marketing Mistake

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  Every once in a while, marketers get things massively, spectacularly wrong. Over the years, you have probably heard about costly campaigns being cancelled, and public apologies being issued. Memorable occasions when brands put their proverbial foot in it included when AT&T tweeted a picture of twin beams of light overlaid on the twin towers on a smart phone. That prompted a backlash for their insensitivity. Or what about the time that McDonalds compared wanting a Big Mac to depression? Read More

Writing for Print Marketing vs. Writing for Digital Marketing

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  You might not realize this, but not all writing is created equal. The type of copywriting and content that you use on your website is different to the writing required for long form printed marketing materials, and they both differ from short form printed marketing materials. Here is a basic cheat sheet for the various types of writing you are likely to require for your business. Read More

Top 2015 Trends in Direct Mail Design

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  As with everything in life, change is inevitable. This applies in direct mail design too, and the trends we’re seeing the past few months show that the medium is still evolving to keep pace with the times. Read More

Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?

Image for Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?
  So, you thought coupon-clipping went out with the Sunday newspapers delivered to your door for reading over breakfast, didn’t you? Wrong! That might be the image that pops into your head when the word is mentioned, but a recent report from Experian Marketing Services shows that coupons are still a direct marketingdrawcard—even in the digital marketing world. Read More

CRM – The Icing On Your Direct Mail Cake

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  Customer relationship management (CRM) programs have been around for some time, and while CRM is a cornerstone of inbound and digital marketing, it’s not necessarily something you’d expect to be useful in the direct mail environment. Surprisingly, however, there are ways in which your CRM can help to make even your physical direct mailcampaigns more effective, if you can put it to work for you. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Creating STRATEGIC Content

Image for Direct Mail Success: Creating STRATEGIC Content
You hear a lot of talk about "content marketing." While most talk is focused around online marketing, the content you create for direct mail is just as critical. The way businesses use direct mail has changed, but it’s still integral to overall marketing strategy. And just like content for online platforms, content you create for your direct mail efforts can make the difference between success and failure. Read More

5 Lessons from the Greatest Direct Mail Campaigns Ever

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They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? If Apple and Google have experienced overwhelming success with direct mail campaigns, why can’t your business? By understanding the strategies used by the most effective direct mail campaigns, your business can create a strategy to generate leads and grow your brand awareness. Keys to a successful direct mail marketing strategy include: Read More

Why Small Businesses Need Direct Mail Marketing

Image for Why Small Businesses Need Direct Mail Marketing
  While many believe that the age of the internet has essentially killed traditional marketing methods such as direct mail marketing, research shows that direct mail marketing is actually making a comeback. With this resurgence in direct mail marketing, it is even more important for small businesses to take advantage of this tactic for their marketing strategy. Read on to learn more about why direct mail marketing is key for small businesses and how small businesses can take advantage of all that direct mail marketing has to offer. Read More

6 Direct Mail Marketing Strategies That Work

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  Recently, we provided you with tips to improve your direct mail marketing campaign for the holidays. Now that the holiday season is coming to a close, it is time to start thinking about what direct mail marketing strategies your business can use in 2014 and beyond. There are many tried and true ways to use direct mail in your marketing strategy, from the 40/40/20 rules to the high performance of postcards. With these six direct mail marketing strategies, you can develop a direct mail marketing campaign that works. Read More