4 Critical Qualities To Look For In an Inbound Marketing Agency

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  You’ve finally decided to focus on running your homebuilding business and leave the inbound marketing to someone else. Now, finding the right person or company is top priority, but you don’t know where to start. Does this sound familiar? We’ve all been there—looking for a service provider who knows their stuff, won’t rip us off and falls comfortably within our budget. Sadly, it’s something of a tall order to fill. It’s not impossible, though, as long as you go about searching scientifically and logically you can avoid the scammers and start what could be a beautiful relationship! Walking the Walk Read More

Deck the Halls With Landing Pages For 2014 Lead Generation

Image for Deck the Halls With Landing Pages For 2014 Lead Generation
  Back in 2011, industry commentators were blogging about “the rising importance of landing pages.” Well, guess what? Since then, the demand for good landing pages that deliver lead generation has risen exponentially. With the holidays coming up, there’s still time to deck the halls of your website, not with boughs of holly but with landing pages that convert your holiday traffic into viable leads for 2014. We took a look at where landing pages have come from, where they’re going and why they’ll get you anywhere you want to take your business. Read More

Is a Marketing Automation Strategy Right For You?

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  The two major keys to inbound marketing are creating high quality, targeted content and engaging potential customers on a personal level. This is a very involved and often rather delicate process. And like all involved and delicate processes, there’s… Read More

Setting Long-Term Goals For Inbound Marketing

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What’s your ultimate goal when implementing an inbound marketing strategy for your brand? Driving more people to your website? Generating leads? No. These are important factors in your campaign, but they’re still… Read More

4 SEO Boo-Boos And How To Fix Them

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You’ve got a company website. A pretty nice one, actually, with lots of bells and whistles—a blog, some content, social sharing buttons, a contact form and it’s all optimized with your keywords. Read More