Make Direct Mail Boost Your Referral Program

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  Direct mail and referral programs are a marriage made in heaven! Plenty of big companies know that too.There are very few traditional marketing methods that are better suited to leveraging for referrals than your direct mail campaigns. Here is how you can get more referrals every time you send out a direct mail piece. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Are Your Efforts Paying Off?

Image for Direct Mail Success: Are Your Efforts Paying Off?
Businesses can’t afford to engage in activities that aren’t producing results. But when it comes to your direct mail marketing efforts, how do you know if what you are doing is paying off? Read More

How to Track Direct Mail Success

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  When you are deciding how to spend your marketing budget, you want to know which marketing methods work. You want to know which offers work, and what gets you the most bang for your buck. The only way to know all of that is to track your success rates, but you might not be sure how to do that. If you need a few tips on how to track your successes in direct mail better, read on: Read More

How to Use NFC Technology to Enhance Direct Mail

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  These days it's not enough for companies to use just one method to engage with their target market. Everyone is pressed for time, and the digital age makes the need for instant gratification even greater. That, in turn, makes the concept of integrated marketing even more attractive. Read More

6 Reasons Why Direct Mail is Still Making a Killing

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  According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), direct mail still gets a response rate of 3.4% from existing customers, which is almost 30 times the rate for email marketing.  Mailing campaigns that include catalogs bring in $2 for each customer they reach, and $10 for each returning client. That’s because direct mail still works, for a few (very good) reasons: Read More

How Can You Build an Effective Marketing Plan?

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  Nobody does marketing just because it’s fun (although it can be a lot of fun—especially when it’s working!). We all engage in marketing activities because we want something to happen. We want traffic. We want leads. We want customers. We want results. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the particulars of marketing—in the various components of a marketing plan. But an effective marketing plan is more than just the sum of your marketing activities. Having an excellent website is great. So is having an outstanding blog.  A great Facebook presence is important. Having a strong Twitter presence to go with things such as email campaigns and online (or live) events is a good thing, too. But all these activities need to be part of an overall plan. How do you build that plan? Read More

To Unpack a Great Integrated Marketing Strategy

Image for To Unpack a Great Integrated Marketing Strategy
  Integrated marketing can seem like a buzz phrase casually tossed around by marketers a lot without being clearly defined. Despite the seeming ambiguity of the concept, integrated marketing is actually a widely accepted marketing strategy that can yield highly… Read More

Can Direct Mail Be Social?

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These days it’s hard to turn around without tripping over social media. It’s part of our personal lives, and it’s part of the way we do business. Every time we turn on… Read More