Beyond Search Engine Optimization

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As a business owner, you know you cannot simply build a site, even a pretty one, and think all is well, leave it and expect your phone to ring. So now everyone… Read More

Inbound Marketing: Why Pushing People Doesn’t Work Anymore

Image for Inbound Marketing: Why Pushing People Doesn’t Work Anymore
Ask most consumers what they think of marketing and they’ll tell you it’s some company pushing them to buy something they may or may not want. Those of us involved in marketing may claim that’s an inaccurate definition of marketing… Read More

Inbound Marketing is Direct Marketing

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You may be familiar with the term inbound marketing and you may not be!  Inbound marketing is defined by Wikipedia as a marketing strategy that focuses on getting… Read More

Has Builder and Remodeler Marketing Changed Forever?

Image for Has Builder and Remodeler Marketing Changed Forever?
Marketing for builders and remodelers has changed forever.  If you are a builder or remodeler, you’ve probably already figured that out, but here are some thoughts from someone who has seen significant… Read More