8 Ways To Improve Email Marketing Campaigns

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When a business wishes to extend its level of power and notoriety, it is an excellent idea to consider developing an email marketing campaign. The information below may help a business… Read More

Marketing Trends: Revisiting the Need for Speed

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CNN recently reported on a trend to slow down communication. That may seem counter-intuitive in today’s “get-it-there-faster” environment. And yet, Snail Mail My Email, A volunteer-based project out of San Francisco has… Read More

Direct Marketing Today: The On-going Impact of Email

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Everybody hates spam. Unwanted emails clutter up our inboxes and irritate the living daylights out of us. Business people cite unwanted email as one of their major problems—consuming precious time and eroding… Read More

Should Email Still be Part of Your Marketing Mix?

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Sometimes, in our drive to be current and “cutting edge” with our marketing efforts, we can cut out activities that are still effective.  Unfortunately, a number of businesses and organizations have thrown… Read More