5 Reasons Why Users Unsubscribe From Your Email Marketing List

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  Another one bites the dust! If that’s how you feel on a daily basis watching notifications come in about email unsubscribes, maybe it’s time to figure out why you’re losing users. There are lots of reasons why people leave an email marketing list, and if you can identify the ones that apply to you, it might be possible to do something about them. Here are the most common causes for readers disappearing suddenly and without warning. Read More

How To Get Management Buy-In To Use Content Marketing

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  Changes never go down well. Often, it takes coming almost to the brink of disaster to get management to realize the company needs a new direction. If your retirement community is in dire need of marketing help but you… Read More

Is Email the Cockroach Of Social Media?

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You know what they say about cockroaches: After a nuclear war, they’ll be the only things to survive. These ugly bugs are just hard to kill. Some people in the marketing world… Read More

Top Tips For Using Content Marketing To Promote Events

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  Event marketing is a great way to generate both publicity and sales leads. Whether it’s your own event or an industry conference or trade show, generating a buzz around it helps get people through the gate and interested enough… Read More