Tried and Tested: 4 Reasons Direct Mail is the Most Reliable Way to Reach the Over 50s

Image for Tried and Tested: 4 Reasons Direct Mail is the Most Reliable Way to Reach the Over 50s
  Direct mail is far from “dead in the water.” According to research from Statista, the revenue generated by direct mail advertising grew by $1.2 billion dollars over the past five years. There are various reasons for this statistic, but the moral of the story is that marketers need to take note and ensure we integrate this method of advertising into our overall strategy. Read More

Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?

Image for Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?
  So, you thought coupon-clipping went out with the Sunday newspapers delivered to your door for reading over breakfast, didn’t you? Wrong! That might be the image that pops into your head when the word is mentioned, but a recent report from Experian Marketing Services shows that coupons are still a direct marketingdrawcard—even in the digital marketing world. Read More

What’s the Recipe? Ingredients of a Successful Direct Marketing Campaign

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  Putting together a successful direct marketingcampaign takes more than a hit-and-miss approach. You can’t leave anything to chance, and it’s essential that you include the most important elements and that they all work together. Here are the three primary components that you need to ensure are rich, well-rounded and fully fleshed out before you hit the ‘send’ button: Read More

8 Copywriting Tips that Make the World of Difference to Your Direct Mail Response Rate

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  When you spend the time and effort putting together a direct marketing campaign, you want to be sure it’s going to get a response. And let’s face it, some marketers are better writers than others. Even if you’re using a professional writer, it pays to know what works and what doesn’t so you can achieve a successful direct mail campaign. Here are 8 copywriting tips that will make the world of difference to your response rates. Read More

How the USPS Squabbles Could Affect Your Direct Mail (and what to do about it NOW)

Image for How the USPS Squabbles Could Affect Your Direct Mail (and what to do about it NOW)
  The USPS has been threatening financial collapse for what feels like eons now, but in reality it has only been a few years. Now, a round of talks scheduled for Fall of 2014 (now!) threatens to result in the closure of 82 mail-processing centers and the loss of 15,000 jobs. Since 2012, USPS has already consolidated 141 processing centers, leading to a much leaner service than in the past. The issue is now the subject of a major squabble in the Senate, and it’s looking more and more likely that at some point the service will die out entirely. Read More

4 Novel Ways to Personalize a Direct Mail Campaign

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Sending direct mail campaigns is still a great way to get in front of customers. One  reason is because it’s more “sticky” – postcards and such are more likely to be kept lying around for a few days and revisited than an email is. But how much more attention will your mailings get if you personalize them? Quite a lot, actually! Here are 4 exciting ways to do so. Read More

Help! It’s Not Working – How to Track Your Direct Marketing Campaign Results

Image for Help! It’s Not Working – How to Track Your Direct Marketing Campaign Results
  Measuring the response rate of your direct marketing is just as vital for offline campaigns as it is for online ones. It’s just not as easy. For digital campaigns like email marketing, you can use online analytics programs to track bits of code written into your mailers and get a succinct picture of what’s being read and what’s not. Read More

4 Critical Components of a Direct Marketing Strategy

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With all the focus on inbound marketing these days it’s often thought that direct mail no longer has a place at the marketing table. This isn’t true. With a little imagination you can make sure your direct marketing strategy complements your other activities.. Here are 4 critical components to include in direct mail to integrate it into your overall marketing plan. Read More

Are You Rolling the Dice on Marketing Success?

Image for Are You Rolling the Dice on Marketing Success?
  Every day you roll the dice a bit with your marketing efforts. Let’s face it; even though there is a definite science to online, inbound marketing, you still take a chance every time you roll out a new marketing attempt. That doesn’t make you irresponsible as a marketer. It’s simply the reality of doing marketing in an every-changing world.  What worked yesterday may not work today—and almost certainly won’t work tomorrow. As marketing has moved online, there has been a huge amount of emphasis placed on search engine optimization (SEO). It’s certainly understandable. If more and more of your business comes to you through the Web, you want to get found by the search engines. Getting found is essential. But a lot of attempts to optimize websites in order to get found have been unfruitful—at least those attempts to outsmart the search engines. Marketers who try to “game Google” end up paying a price. They can actually find their rankings get pushed lower because Google knows exactly what they’re trying to do. Read More