6 Questions to Ask Your Direct Mail Fulfillment Company

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  When you were in elementary school, someone probably told you that there is no such thing as a stupid question. That may or may not be true, but when it comes to business, there are certain questions that are… Read More

3 Direct Mail Tips for Your Next Mailing

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The struggles of the United States Postal System (USPS) have been well documented of late. Despite those struggles, direct mail remains a viable and effective means for businesses to get their… Read More

Blogging for Business: Is Content Really King?

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If you’ve been keeping track of the state of marketing these days, you’ve probably heard phrases such as: “Content is king” and “Create remarkable content.” What’s behind those phrases is the fact… Read More

Direct Marketing Today: Branding and Response in Harmony!

Image for Direct Marketing Today: Branding and Response in Harmony!
Some companies (and their marketing/advertising agencies) tend to focus on branding. They want to make sure that consumers recognize them and associate certain characteristics with their company. They’re after mindshare. They want… Read More

Direct Marketing Today: The On-going Impact of Email

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Everybody hates spam. Unwanted emails clutter up our inboxes and irritate the living daylights out of us. Business people cite unwanted email as one of their major problems—consuming precious time and eroding… Read More

Direct Marketing Success: Tricks or Treats?

Image for Direct Marketing Success: Tricks or Treats?
Don’t bother checking your calendar. The end of October is still a long way off. But for those of us engaged in marketing businesses or organizations, the question of “trick or treat?”… Read More

Leadership and Direct Marketing

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When you think of a strong leader, what comes to mind?  An individual who can take control of a situation or perhaps someone who can inspire others to do the same.  Some… Read More

Inbound Marketing is Direct Marketing

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You may be familiar with the term inbound marketing and you may not be!  Inbound marketing is defined by Wikipedia as a marketing strategy that focuses on getting… Read More