Help! It’s Not Working – How to Track Your Direct Marketing Campaign Results

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  Measuring the response rate of your direct marketing is just as vital for offline campaigns as it is for online ones. It’s just not as easy. For digital campaigns like email marketing, you can use online analytics programs to track bits of code written into your mailers and get a succinct picture of what’s being read and what’s not. Read More

Don’t Muddy the Waters! Present a Clear Message in Your Direct Marketing

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  There’s always someone taking exception to something these days, mostly because they understood it differently from the way it was intended. The same thing applies when you’re putting together a direct marketing campaign. It’s challenging to present a clear message to your audience without allowing room for misunderstandings. There’s often no way to tell how someone is going to interpret the message, so you have to make sure it’s absolutely clear to avoid leaving your reader confused about what to do next. Read More

Are Novelty Direct Mail Campaigns Worth Their Salt?

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  One of the trademarks of direct mail has always been the use of “novelty” mailings – you know, those pop-up phone holders and automatically-inflating balloons that sing and dance when you open the envelope? We’ve seen some real humdingers in our time, but is there actually value in spending tons of money on these items? Do they produce better results than your average marketing letter? Read More

5 Ways to Encourage Long-Term Customer Loyalty via Direct Mail

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  If you are spending most of your marketing budget trying to attract new customers, your direct marketing strategy could use an overhaul. It costs much more to find a new customer than it does to market to people who are already familiar with your company, which is why your direct mail campaign should target existing customers. Using direct mail will help you turn occasional customers into loyal fans who make repeat purchases and give you high-quality referrals. Read More

6 Reasons Your Direct Marketing Strategy Should Include Coupons

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  The right direct marketing strategy will help you build loyal relationships with customers and make it more likely people will turn to your business when they need a product or service you sell. These days, many shoppers are tightening their belts and trying to do more with less money, making coupons and direct marketing a winning combination. Not convinced? Here are just six of the reasons you can't afford to leave coupons out of your direct mail campaigns. Read More

4 Things to Consider When You Build a Direct Mail List

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  Ok, we know direct mail is far from dead and that it’s working wonders for businesses if used as part of an integrated marketing campaign. So, once again, marketers are working hard to put together the right type of mailing list to reach the target audience effectively. Using a scientific list to reach potential customers is important because allows you to maintain control over who you reach out to, when it happens and what you offer. Getting your name directly into the mailboxes and hands of potential customers can produce significant results. Read More

Are Little White Lies Acceptable in Direct Marketing?

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  It seems that businesses sometimes forget what the direct in direct marketing means. Whether your marketing efforts involve direct mail, online content (including blogs), social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Instagram, or Pinterest) email, or (hopefully) a combination of these—the main point is that you are talking directly to your customers. Unfortunately, some businesses do things in these direct conversations that they would never do if they were sitting down across the table from a customer. Somehow, (maybe it’s because they’re not looking these individuals in the eye) they feel like it’s OK to mislead people—just a little bit. Here are a couple of examples of what that can look like. Read More

The New Marketing

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You’re driving down a busy street, when you pass by a billboard. “Pauline’s Pet Supplies!” it says. “Best Dog Chew Toys in Town!” But you don’t have any pets, much less a… Read More

4 Steps To Getting Your Mail Read

Image for 4 Steps To Getting Your Mail Read
  Direct marketing to consumers with advertisements, fliers, promotional letters, etc., is one of the most reliable methods of modern marketing. While alternatives like inbound marketing have been stealing away way much of the… Read More

6 Common Direct Marketing Questions

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  Our digital age provides more advertising opportunities than ever before, yet direct marketing remains one of the most effective advertising tools available. With so many direct marketing opportunities available—from text messaging promotions to… Read More