What’s the Recipe? Ingredients of a Successful Direct Marketing Campaign

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  Putting together a successful direct marketingcampaign takes more than a hit-and-miss approach. You can’t leave anything to chance, and it’s essential that you include the most important elements and that they all work together. Here are the three primary components that you need to ensure are rich, well-rounded and fully fleshed out before you hit the ‘send’ button: Read More

How to Increase Your Response Rates with a Microsite

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  Increasing the response rates from your direct marketing campaigns is an ongoing project for most marketers.  Direct mail works best with mailing lists you own, such as existing clients or people who sign up to receive your promotions, but even if you use rented lists there are ways to maximize the return on your investment. One of these ways is to create a microsite for each campaign: Read More

How Direct Mail Can Help Re-Establish Personal Relationships with Your Customers

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  It’s lonely online. Hard to believe, in this age of online dating, marriages, shopping, banking and everything else, isn’t it? And yet, a survey conducted in Australia found that customers are increasingly feeling isolated from their favorite brands. Why? You guessed it—because the online marketing component has grown so big there’s no longer “personal” interaction. Read More

Is Your Direct Mail Sinking in a Social Media-Driven World?

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  With the intense focus on everything social these days, you might be wondering whether there’s still a place for direct mail in a social media-driven world. The answer is yes, if it’s done right. So what does “doing it right” actually mean, and how do you navigate the waters of the social seas without sinking? Don’t panic – there are ways to do it that will bring you a return on your direct marketing investment. Read More

3 Ways to Measure the ROI of Your Direct Mail Campaigns

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Everything you do in business needs to deliver a return on your investment (ROI). Whether you’re putting in money, time, effort or other resources, it’s only worthwhile if you can see the results. However, it’s often difficult to measure the ROI of direct mail campaigns. You don’t always know how and why customers end up coming to you for products or services. Some of the things you might want to measure are: Read More

8 Copywriting Tips that Make the World of Difference to Your Direct Mail Response Rate

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  When you spend the time and effort putting together a direct marketing campaign, you want to be sure it’s going to get a response. And let’s face it, some marketers are better writers than others. Even if you’re using a professional writer, it pays to know what works and what doesn’t so you can achieve a successful direct mail campaign. Here are 8 copywriting tips that will make the world of difference to your response rates. Read More

The Role of Data in Direct Marketing

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  Data has become currency in direct marketing, and it’s going to stay that way for some time. It has always been valuable to have customer intelligence, but since the advent of digital marketing with its ability to track and measure, data has soared in value. It’s not only companies that are aware of it, though; customers know you’re using their data for marketing purposes and they are singularly unforgiving of those who get it wrong. That makes it a two-edged sword, but one you can’t live without.  Read More

Are You Tiring Your Customers Out? Direct Mail Fatigue and Other Challenges

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  The moments of truth. That split second when your customer chooses to dump your direct mail item instead of opening it. It’s a moment you can never get back, and yet it happens all the time, every day. Why? Because there are challenges facing direct mail campaigns that we often fail to recognize. Read More