Direct Marketing Integration: Recognizing Strengths & Limitations of Different Tools

Image for Direct Marketing Integration: Recognizing Strengths & Limitations of Different Tools
  It’s important to use the right tool for the right purpose. Everybody knows that if your want to make an omelet; you have to break some eggs. But you probably wouldn’t use pliers to do it. It’s inefficient. You’d end up with a mess on your hands and egg shells everywhere (including in the omelet). It’s just not the right tool for the job. Read More

Long or Short Copy: What Works Best for Direct Mail?

Image for Long or Short Copy: What Works Best for Direct Mail?
  There is a debate that has been going on in the world of direct mail marketing ever since people began using movable type. When it comes to getting your marketing message across to your desired audience, is long copy or short copy more effective? Which one works best? Read More

Rocking the Mailbox: 9 Steps to a Direct Mail Design That Performs

Image for Rocking the Mailbox: 9 Steps to a Direct Mail Design That Performs
Great direct mail design doesn’t happen on its own. It takes planning and effort, and the design of the mailing material is the axis on which it turns. A good design strategy offers limitless opportunities for creativity and variety, whether you’re designing your mailer yourself or outsourcing the job to a mailing house or graphic designer. Follow these nine steps to develop a direct mail design that rocks the mailbox, generates sales leads and brings you the ROI you want: Read More

Back to the Future: What’s in Store for Direct Mail in 2015 and Beyond?

Image for Back to the Future: What’s in Store for Direct Mail in 2015 and Beyond?
  Change is one thing you can be certain of in life. With each year that passes, marketing goes through changes to the way it’s done, changes in the way it’s received and changes in the way it’s valued. As a critical element of push marketing, experts predict that some of the primary changes in store for direct mail in 2015 are: Read More

Tried and Tested: 4 Reasons Direct Mail is the Most Reliable Way to Reach the Over 50s

Image for Tried and Tested: 4 Reasons Direct Mail is the Most Reliable Way to Reach the Over 50s
  Direct mail is far from “dead in the water.” According to research from Statista, the revenue generated by direct mail advertising grew by $1.2 billion dollars over the past five years. There are various reasons for this statistic, but the moral of the story is that marketers need to take note and ensure we integrate this method of advertising into our overall strategy. Read More

What Does HubSpot Tell My Sales Team About Leads?

Image for What Does HubSpot Tell My Sales Team About Leads?
  As important as generating leads is for business, really good marketing is about more than just generating leads. Are leads essential to business success? Absolutely! But leads aren’t the end game. You can’t pay your bills with leads. You need to follow up on those leads—and nurture them—so that those leads eventually become customers. Read More

Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?

Image for Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?
  So, you thought coupon-clipping went out with the Sunday newspapers delivered to your door for reading over breakfast, didn’t you? Wrong! That might be the image that pops into your head when the word is mentioned, but a recent report from Experian Marketing Services shows that coupons are still a direct marketingdrawcard—even in the digital marketing world. Read More

CRM – The Icing On Your Direct Mail Cake

Image for CRM – The Icing On Your Direct Mail Cake
  Customer relationship management (CRM) programs have been around for some time, and while CRM is a cornerstone of inbound and digital marketing, it’s not necessarily something you’d expect to be useful in the direct mail environment. Surprisingly, however, there are ways in which your CRM can help to make even your physical direct mailcampaigns more effective, if you can put it to work for you. Read More