Integrating Your Direct Mail Efforts with Landing Pages

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Some marketers are still surprised at the staying power of direct mail. The Direct Marketing Association, however, isn’t surprised and reported that approximately 90 million Americans still make purchases from catalogs every year! Read More

3 Reasons Direct Mail is On The Rise in Real Estate

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  The real estate market is one that keeps going from year to year, and agents are always looking for new ways to market the homes on their books. Direct mail is an ideal and extremely effective way for real estate agents to spread the word to customers about new properties they have available, build their brand, or find new contacts—and agents have reached a fresh realization of this! Put simply, direct marketing is a way for marketers to reach their target audience by using postal communication in the form of sales letters, post cards, brochures, newsletters, and so forth. Read More

Why Direct Mail Keeps On Going

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  Have you ever noticed how some things just seem to have staying power? There are some things that just keep on going. The Energizer Bunny™ keeps on going and going. The Rolling Stones are still touring. And the Chicago Cubs are still in pursuit of a World Series win (and according to the Back to the Future movies, 2015 is their year!). Read More

Choosing Your Words Wisely: “Why Choose Two When One Will Do?”

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  As long as I can remember, there has been a debate in direct mail circles about whether “short” copy or “long” copy is more effective in getting your message across—and in getting potential clients to respond. There’s plenty of evidence on both sides that both short and long copy can be effective. But it’s not always a matter of length when it comes to good copy. It’s more a matter of choosing your words wisely. Read More

Whatever Happened to First Class Mail? We Expose the Truth

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  At one time, first class mail was the best way to send direct mail campaigns, particularly smallish campaigns aimed at an upmarket or niche audience. Suddenly, it’s popularity started to dive, and this 2015 report from the U.S. Postal Service showed a drop of 61% in volumes since 1995 for the country as a whole. A decline of more than 70% was reported in 196 areas, with 269 areas losing between 30% and 60% over the time period. Read More

What’s Your Direct Mail Marketing Strategy?

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  Chess is probably one of the more strategic board games one can play. Even casual players carefully consider how they will mount their attack.  It’s been said that what sets world-class players apart from the rest is their ability to “think 10 steps ahead” of the competition. Read More

Forget Email Newsletters: Catalogs are Back on Trend

Image for Forget Email Newsletters: Catalogs are Back on Trend
If you want to see the cutting edge in direct marketing, look to the past. After so much time playing second fiddle to email and instant gratification, direct mail is making progress again—especially when it comes to sales catalogs. Read More

Finding the Right Font for Your Direct Mail Campaign

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  Despite the growing popularity of mobile marketing, a good direct mail campaign still generates plenty of sales for small businesses and corporations. Many marketers focus on writing high-converting copy and using eye-catching graphics, but they don’t put enough emphasis on choosing the right font. The fonts you use says a lot about your approach to business, so choose them carefully. Read More