How to Measure the Success of Your Holiday Direct Mail Campaign

Image for How to Measure the Success of Your Holiday Direct Mail Campaign
  It is that time of year again. The time of year when everyone sends out their holiday marketing campaign, just in time to get ready for the New Year. You hope it will have the desired impact, but is there any way that you can really tell if your direct mail is having the desired impact. Read More

4 Simple Questions That Can Show You If Your Mailing Will Succeed or Flop

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  Sometimes we’re so close to our own direct marketing efforts that we don’t see them clearly. And sometimes we get so wrapped up in all the techniques, measurements, and procedures that it’s hard to evaluate whether the mailing we’re about to do will be effective. Here are four simple questions you should ask (and answer) before you put a stamp on that next mailing. Read More

4 Secrets to Direct Mail Success for Small Businesses

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  If you’ve never given it a go, direct mail can feel like a risky business. After all, it’s so much quicker and easier to blast off a quick email or put together an online newsletter. You might even think that successful businesses don’t do direct mail campaigns anymore. Surely today’s marketing happens on the Internet? Truth is, the overload of digital marketing has made direct marketing more attractive than ever, not least of which is because it gets people’s attention where email fails. Read More

First Impressions Count: Make Your Direct Mail Grab (the Right) Attention

Image for First Impressions Count: Make Your Direct Mail Grab (the Right) Attention
  The best way to make the right first impression with your direct mail is to think like your customer. What would they respond to, what kind of offer will excite them, what problems are they seeking solutions to? Far from being all about you, your mailed offer needs to be all about the customer. When recipients see you’re putting them first, they’ll think well of you in return. Read More

Intentional Marketing: Why Are You Doing All These Marketing Activities?

Image for Intentional Marketing: Why Are You Doing All These Marketing Activities?
  Once upon a time there was a hard-working laborer who worked in a big plant. Part of his job every day was to open the valve on a particular pipeline first thing in the morning. It wasn’t easy because sometimes the valve would stick. It took time that he could have spent doing something else, but he kept at it.  Read More

Meeting Your Biggest Direct Mail Challenges

Image for Meeting Your Biggest Direct Mail Challenges
  There’s no doubt about it: we live in an online age. But even when there are lots of compelling reasons to take things online, we find companies such as Apple and Google using direct mail as part of their overall marketing strategy. Read More

4 Things Every Direct Mailing Must Do

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  Often when businesses think about their direct mail efforts, they focus on the tips and tricks that they think will get them better results. That’s not a bad thing. And in today’s marketplace, you’ll want to take advantage of anything that will boost your mailing’s performance.  It’s one of the reasons we offer free tools such as the Best Direct Mail Practices in an Evolving Marketplace eBook.  Read More