Free Consultations: Why Giving Away Expertise Helps Conversions

Image for Free Consultations: Why Giving Away Expertise Helps Conversions
  When you’re designing a direct mail campaign, you need to come up with an attractive hook to entice recipients to contact you. Sometimes, that’s a coupon or a free offer, sometimes it’s a limited time price drop, and sometimes, it’s a limited stock offer. Read More

Repeat Touches to Reach Customers

Image for Repeat Touches to Reach Customers
  There’s an old business saying that claims, "Nothing happens until somebody sells something." The fact is, that’s only part of the story. In reality,  a lot has to happen before anyone sells anything—and a big part of what has to happen is marketing. Marketing, however is more than sending out a single mailing and praying for results. Read More

Sales Speak: Buzzwords to Avoid

Image for Sales Speak: Buzzwords to Avoid
  Many companies don’t want to admit this, but the truth is, most people don’t like sales people very much. Or rather, they don’t want to talk to them until they’re ready to. Read More

How Free Trials Can Help Direct Mail Marketing

Image for How Free Trials Can Help Direct Mail Marketing
  Free stuff has always been a major marketing tool, for direct mail, face to face sales and just about everything else you can think of. In many cases, that means a free sample, but sometimes, when you run a business that doesn’t offer physical products (or where products are large and expensive and can’t be scaled down) giving away a smaller size just isn’t an option. Enter the free trial. Here are a few ways you can use free trials and samples to get more out of your direct mail marketing. Read More

13 Questions for Producing Direct Mail Campaigns in 2016

Image for 13 Questions for Producing Direct Mail Campaigns in 2016
  It’s true: direct mail isn’t going anywhere. With so many direct marketing opportunities out there--from text messaging promotions to direct mail promotional letters—business owners looking to implement direct marketing for the first time are often understandably confused. Read More

Direct Mail and Kids: How to Engage the PlayStation Generation

Image for Direct Mail and Kids: How to Engage the PlayStation Generation
  If you thought marketing to kids was not important, then you probably have not realized that children in the US are responsible for $100 billion in purchasing decisions every year. Kids do not only make decisions about products that they use directly either. Research has shown that children under 18 are involved in decisions from which TV to buy, to which car, to where to live. Read More

Keeping it Real: How Direct Mail Helps You Connect

Image for Keeping it Real: How Direct Mail Helps You Connect
  Think about the last time you got a hand written note rather than an email. Probably made quite an impact and is something you did not forget in a hurry, right? The same result can be had when you choose direct mail over email marketing, and there are several reasons that this form of marketing can help you to connect. Read More