How Direct Mail Helps Your Spring Retail Marketing

Image for How Direct Mail Helps Your Spring Retail Marketing
  Transitioning from winter to spring brings new anticipation in the retail business, as people pack up their winter woolens and gear up for spring clothing, shoes, makeup, and more. Successful marketing will jump on spring retail trends for 2015. Direct mail businesses in particular can take advantage of spring marketing.  Read More

Tips for Successful March Marketing

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  By the time March finally arrives, though the calendar says winter, spring is on everyone’s mind. This can make marketing difficult for a few reasons. Customers may be reluctant to shop for spring before the snow melts, unable to trust the calendar. Many aren’t sure what they’re looking for, or ignore winter sales in favor of soon-to-be-released spring items. A few tips will help make your March marketing more successful.  Read More

Just for Bookworms: The Book Business and Direct Mail

Image for Just for Bookworms: The Book Business and Direct Mail
  The rise of e-readers does not mean the death of paperback books, but it does mean booksellers need to rethink marketing campaigns. Direct mail can be a great way to update campaigns, whether you’re using publishing house catalogues, direct book shipments to book clubs, or other methods. Read More

How to Write Great Direct Mail Content

Image for How to Write Great Direct Mail Content
  To successfully compete alongside other forms of marketing, direct mail campaigns should focus on engaging content. Everything from pulling the mail out of the mailbox to opening the envelope and reading should be an experience that is natural and relevant. Content marketing in direct mail doesn’t have to mean pages of passive script. Instead, it means focusing on sending mailings that make a difference in the lives of the recipients. Read More

Determining Your Target Market in Direct Mail

Image for Determining Your Target Market in Direct Mail
  Targeted marketing is just as important in direct mail as it is in online marketing. Spending more time on the front end of your campaign increases the likelihood of its success down the road. In the ever-used marketing analogy, it is better to throw a few darts and get really close to the target than to throw a bunch and end up all over the board. Determining your target market is a matter of knowing your product or service intimately and matching that up with the demands of the marketplace. Read More

4 Ways to Ensure Quality Control of Your Direct Mail Campaign

Image for 4 Ways to Ensure Quality Control of Your Direct Mail Campaign
  When you hand over the responsibility for your direct mail campaign to an external service provider, it’s normal to feel a twinge of concern about whether the final product is going to meet your standards. Implementing a quality campaign takes close cooperation between you and the mailing house, and using this checklist of 5 ways to ensure quality control will help make the end result meet your professional standards. Read More

Back to the Future: What’s in Store for Direct Mail in 2015 and Beyond?

Image for Back to the Future: What’s in Store for Direct Mail in 2015 and Beyond?
  Change is one thing you can be certain of in life. With each year that passes, marketing goes through changes to the way it’s done, changes in the way it’s received and changes in the way it’s valued. As a critical element of push marketing, experts predict that some of the primary changes in store for direct mail in 2015 are: Read More

Tried and Tested: 4 Reasons Direct Mail is the Most Reliable Way to Reach the Over 50s

Image for Tried and Tested: 4 Reasons Direct Mail is the Most Reliable Way to Reach the Over 50s
  Direct mail is far from “dead in the water.” According to research from Statista, the revenue generated by direct mail advertising grew by $1.2 billion dollars over the past five years. There are various reasons for this statistic, but the moral of the story is that marketers need to take note and ensure we integrate this method of advertising into our overall strategy. Read More

CRM – The Icing On Your Direct Mail Cake

Image for CRM – The Icing On Your Direct Mail Cake
  Customer relationship management (CRM) programs have been around for some time, and while CRM is a cornerstone of inbound and digital marketing, it’s not necessarily something you’d expect to be useful in the direct mail environment. Surprisingly, however, there are ways in which your CRM can help to make even your physical direct mailcampaigns more effective, if you can put it to work for you. Read More