13 Questions for Producing Direct Mail Campaigns in 2016

Image for 13 Questions for Producing Direct Mail Campaigns in 2016
  It’s true: direct mail isn’t going anywhere. With so many direct marketing opportunities out there--from text messaging promotions to direct mail promotional letters—business owners looking to implement direct marketing for the first time are often understandably confused. Read More

Direct Mail and Kids: How to Engage the PlayStation Generation

Image for Direct Mail and Kids: How to Engage the PlayStation Generation
  If you thought marketing to kids was not important, then you probably have not realized that children in the US are responsible for $100 billion in purchasing decisions every year. Kids do not only make decisions about products that they use directly either. Research has shown that children under 18 are involved in decisions from which TV to buy, to which car, to where to live. Read More

Keeping it Real: How Direct Mail Helps You Connect

Image for Keeping it Real: How Direct Mail Helps You Connect
  Think about the last time you got a hand written note rather than an email. Probably made quite an impact and is something you did not forget in a hurry, right? The same result can be had when you choose direct mail over email marketing, and there are several reasons that this form of marketing can help you to connect. Read More

Beyond Flyers: Creative Direct Mail Ideas

Image for Beyond Flyers: Creative Direct Mail Ideas
  Have you ever noticed that when you hear the same sound for a prolonged period of time, you tend to drown it out, so you stop hearing the details? When it comes to direct mail, flyers are pretty much the same thing. Unless they are something special and they stand out of the crowd, they mostly end up filed in the garbage, and that is literally throwing your marketing dollars away. Read More

Make Direct Mail Boost Your Referral Program

Image for Make Direct Mail Boost Your Referral Program
  Direct mail and referral programs are a marriage made in heaven! Plenty of big companies know that too.There are very few traditional marketing methods that are better suited to leveraging for referrals than your direct mail campaigns. Here is how you can get more referrals every time you send out a direct mail piece. Read More

How to Measure the Success of Your Holiday Direct Mail Campaign

Image for How to Measure the Success of Your Holiday Direct Mail Campaign
  It is that time of year again. The time of year when everyone sends out their holiday marketing campaign, just in time to get ready for the New Year. You hope it will have the desired impact, but is there any way that you can really tell if your direct mail is having the desired impact. Read More

Consistency is Key: Matching Your Direct Mail Campaign to Your Brand

Image for Consistency is Key: Matching Your Direct Mail Campaign to Your Brand
  You may not realize it, but your company has a personality. That personality is your brand, and your brand determines how your customers think and feel about you, and what they expect from you. Your brand may be carefully calculated and executed, or it may be something that has evolved organically over time. Whichever is true for you, however, you need to make sure that your direct mail campaigns match and complement your brand. Here is how you can do that. Read More

It’s all in the Database: List Maintenance Best Practices

Image for It’s all in the Database: List Maintenance Best Practices
  A direct mail campaign is a great way to get your message across to a large number of people and businesses in a particular area. However, even with the best graphic design and a message that is timely and on point, if you’re not paying attention to maintaining your database of contacts, you might be spending money on marketing that will never be seen. Here are a few essential tips to keep your direct mail database up to date. Read More

Planning and Executing a B2B Direct Mail Campaign

Image for Planning and Executing a B2B Direct Mail Campaign
  If your business relies on business customers rather than the general public, then you probably already know that there’s a big difference between marketing designed for consumers and marketing designed for fellow business owners. That is no different when you’re using direct mail to reach your B2B customers, and we’ve put together a few tips that will help you to create and execute a B2B direct mail campaign that delivers the ROI that you want. Read More