What Is Tree-Free Paper, and How Can It Help Your Direct Mail Marketing?

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  There’s no denying it: people are becoming more environmentally conscious. From electric cars to recyclable coffee pods, consumers are more aware than ever of green issues, global climate change and other environmental matters, and they are voting with their feet and their wallets. Read More

How Anti-Spam Laws Revitalized Direct Mail

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  Once upon a time, when the Internet was young, anyone could collect email addresses from wherever they wanted to and send as many unsolicited emails as they liked. By the early 2000s, spam had become a huge problem, and countries like the U.S. started introducing laws requiring that recipients of marketing emails opt in to receive them. Read More

Yes! You Can Save on Direct Mail, and Here’s How

Image for Yes! You Can Save on Direct Mail, and Here’s How
  Direct mail has been around for a long time, and it’s still one of the most effective marketing tools out there, delivering a marketing ROI that blows newer technologies – like email marketing – out of the water. However, while it’s completely true that direct mail is a great way to market any business, there’s no denying that there is an initial investment and that it is a numbers game. That means that you need to reach more targeted people with your message in order to reap the benefits. Read More

Tips for Direct Mail Fundraising Success

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  Direct mail has been a great way to raise funds for a long time, and for a good reason: people tend to be more receptive to direct mail requests for donations than they are to phone calls asking for the same thing. This type of fundraising request is less invasive, but still delivers results.So if you’re looking for ways to start or improve your direct mail fundraising campaign, read on. We’ve listed our top tips for fundraising direct mail campaign success to help you make the right choices. Read More

How the Health Care Industry Can Benefit from Direct Mail

Image for How the Health Care Industry Can Benefit from Direct Mail
  Whether you attribute the increase to an aging population, to Obamacare or something else, there’s no denying the growing demand for health care services in the United States. New clinics, practitioners and competitors are springing up everywhere. In fact, if you include alternative health care options in your competition analysis (and you should!), there’s never been a noisier time in healthcare marketing. Read More

Top 4 Benefits of Direct Mail (and How to Make Them Even Better!)

Image for Top 4 Benefits of Direct Mail (and How to Make Them Even Better!)
  Much can be said for online marketing and social media; they certainly have their place in the marketing mix. However, there are a few benefits to direct mail that you can’t get anywhere else, and we’ve got them listed right here (along with tips to take them to the next level!). Read More

5 Trends in Direct Mail

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  Every year, people say that direct mail is dead. Every year, direct mail proves them wrong by being one of the most successful non-web-based marketing tactics out there. That may change one day, but for now, it’s as true in 2016 as it was in 1916, and as it may be in another 100 years. Read More

How Much Will Your Direct Mail Campaign Cost?

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  One of the most common questions we get about direct mail is how much it will cost. The answer, unfortunately, is not as simple as we’d like it to be, but we’ll explain why, as well as how you can weigh the cost versus value of direct mail for your own business. Read More

Shock Value: How Provocative Direct Mail Can (and Does) Work

Image for Shock Value: How Provocative Direct Mail Can (and Does) Work
  Over the years, several major marketing campaigns have been pulled because they were just too shocking, too controversial and too risqué. From Benetton ads in the 1980s to controversial campaigns about child abuse to Pony’s “Black Jesus” ad from 2004, countless ads have been deemed too controversial for mainstream media. PETA, in fact, has built a multimillion-dollar organization on ads that are made to shock. Read More