Are Direct Mail Services a Thing of the Past?

Image for Are Direct Mail Services a Thing of the Past?
  If you’ve read the headlines about the problems facing the United States Postal System lately, you may think that the U.S.P.S. is headed the way of the dinosaur. While the long-range prognosis for the Post Office is not all… Read More

Marketing Trends: Revisiting the Need for Speed

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CNN recently reported on a trend to slow down communication. That may seem counter-intuitive in today’s “get-it-there-faster” environment. And yet, Snail Mail My Email, A volunteer-based project out of San Francisco has… Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: Back to the Future?

Image for Direct Mail Marketing: Back to the Future?
If you wait long enough, things tend to cycle around. And while I hope that white belts, white shoes and polyester suits for men never make a comeback, there are some things… Read More

Three Direct Mail Best Practices

Image for Three Direct Mail Best Practices
According to a report from the advertising and marketing consulting firm Winterberry Group, spending on direct mail is expected to reach $47.8 billion, In 2011, a 5.8% increase over last year (… Read More

Direct Mail Isn’t Dead

Image for Direct Mail Isn’t Dead
  "Direct mail is dead."  How many times have you heard this over the last 3 years?  Pretty bold statement considering the largest internet company in the world (Google), has been using direct mail very extensively over the last year pushing its paid advertising platform (Google Ad Words). Read More