How Do Mailing Lists Work?

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  Talk to any direct mail expert and he or she will tell you that the list you use for your mailings is perhaps the most important single element in determining the success of your mailing. It’s what’s known in the industry as “The 40-40-20 Rule” (40% of your success comes from your list; 40% comes from your offer; and 20% comes from your creative). Here’s an article that discusses that breakdown in a bit more detail. Read More

What Direct Mail Services Can Your Businesses Access?

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  When it comes to doing direct mail for your business there’s a lot more involved than simply getting the address and stamp on your mail piece and waiting for the phones to start ringing.  To be honest, there are a lot of moving parts and if you want to be successful with your direct mail efforts (and not spend more money than necessary) you’ll probably want to take advantage of some of the services a professional mailing house has to offer. Here’s a quick overview of some of those services (and what they’ll do for you). Read More

What is Direct Marketing?

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  What exactly is direct marketing? How does it differ from any other kind of marketing—and why does that matter to your business? Read More

4 Direct Mail Tips to Get a Higher ROI

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Not long ago, direct mail best practices involved huge mailing lists and a steady stream of repeated mailings. Some industries (credit card companies, for instance) still do that because the economies of scale they enjoy allow them to mail huge volumes and get a relatively small return on investment. But for most businesses that’s just not practical. Printing, postage, and mailing costs are too high to justify the low rates of return. Read More

What is Direct Mail Strategy?

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  Every now and then—over the more than 40 years we’ve spent helping businesses and organizations with their direct mail needs—we’ve had a prospect tell us, “We need to get a mailing out in the next month or so.” Our response to that statement sometimes surprises them: “Why?” Read More

What is Direct Mail Geo-Targeting?

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  Targeting an audience by a geographic area is nothing new for direct mailers. It’s common for restaurants, veterenarians, dentists, and physicians to target and mail to a specific zip code or geographic area near their location. Read More

3 Ways to Increase Direct Mail Results

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  You don’t have to live with unsatisfactory results from your direct mail efforts. Just being unhappy, however, isn’t going to change anything. You have to take some action. Read More

Direct Mail Ideas for All the Senses

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  Direct mail has always been a visual medium, and that’s never going to change. However, if your pieces are already working well on the visual front, then maybe it’s time to take your direct mail to the next level and stimulate one or two more senses? After all, the goal is to engage and intrigue.  If you can get your prospect’s attention on more than one level, you might be on to a winning direct mail strategy. Read More

Sending Out Surveys: How to Ask Questions and Get Responses

Image for Sending Out Surveys: How to Ask Questions and Get Responses
  There’s a universal rule in marketing: the better you know your customers, the better positioned you are to give them what they want. When you give customers what they want, you are guaranteed to get more business. It’s not a complicated concept, but it’s one many businesses struggle with, mainly because it can be tricky to get inside the minds of your prospects. Read More