How To Make Sure Your Direct Mail Gets Opened

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  Once your direct mail is sent and on the way to the recipient, there’s nothing else you can do—or is there? Instead of crossing your fingers and simply hoping that your direct mail will be opened, why not… Read More

Zombies And Direct Mail

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There are a couple of things in this world that are just really hard to kill: zombies and direct mail. But unless you’re in the entertainment industry, only one of them can… Read More

Tips For Direct Mail That Converts

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Direct mail is useless if it doesn’t convert recipients into buyers. It wastes money, not to mention valuable natural resources, if customers aren’t being effectively reached. There are, however, a number of… Read More

Snail Mail Is Not Dead: Direct Mail In the Digital Age

Image for Snail Mail Is Not Dead: Direct Mail In the Digital Age
  With the rise of constantly improving technology, many people believe that direct mail is losing its relevance. This does not have to be true. Along with the digital age come a number of ways to continue to use direct mail as a marketing strategy. Read More

Is Your Direct Mail Trying to Do Too Much?

Image for Is Your Direct Mail Trying to Do Too Much?
Sometimes we just ask too much out of our direct mail efforts. Budgets are tight. Resources (both financial and personnel) are scarce. We’re all trying to do more with less. It can… Read More