Are Little White Lies Acceptable in Direct Marketing?

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  It seems that businesses sometimes forget what the direct in direct marketing means. Whether your marketing efforts involve direct mail, online content (including blogs), social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Instagram, or Pinterest) email, or (hopefully) a combination of these—the main point is that you are talking directly to your customers. Unfortunately, some businesses do things in these direct conversations that they would never do if they were sitting down across the table from a customer. Somehow, (maybe it’s because they’re not looking these individuals in the eye) they feel like it’s OK to mislead people—just a little bit. Here are a couple of examples of what that can look like. Read More

4 Methods Direct Mail Can Integrate with Other Forms of Marketing

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The role of direct mail in a multichannel marketing strategy is something like the role of grass in a bird’s nest. It has to be woven in so well you don’t see  individual strands. It strengthens strategy and adds color without being the hub around which the process hinges. Below are four methods of integrating direct mail with other marketing to create a multichannel strategy. Read More

5 Ways of Mixing Direct Mail with Mobile for Marketing Purposes

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  Ok, so direct mail is the way to go and yet you keep hearing how mobile is taking over the world! You couldn’t get two marketing methods more opposite than those, right? Just because you’ve identified mailing as a good way to reach your target audience doesn’t mean you can’t use inbound marketing methods like mobile. According to research by the USPS, here are 5 ways to use them together so the one supports the other—and vice versa. More Online Sales 64% of people with smartphones now use them to shop online, and three quarters of those would switch brands if they received a mobile coupon while shopping. So one way to increase the results of a direct mail campaign is to include a special promotion or offer that can be used when buying online or via mobile for a limited time. Read More

How To Maximize the Leads from Your Direct Mail Campaign

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  Direct mail is making a comeback as a powerful method of generating leads when it’s used correctly, for several reasons: 1. People actually still read their mail, as opposed to hitting the proverbial delete button; and Read More

Alive and Kicking: Analyzing the Numbers Behind Direct Mail

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  The fact that Apple, which has single-handedly revolutionized forward-thinking technology, is still using direct mail should be a wakeup call for businesses in every industry. If you’re not sure about the sustainability of direct mail marketing, then it’s time to consider the numbers. Despite the growth of digital media, direct mail response rates have held steady over the last four years. Mailings to prospect lists average a response rate of 1.38 percent, which is similar to the 1.78 conversion rate for marketing emails. Perhaps the most surprising revelation is the fact that 73 percent of United States consumers prefer direct mail as their primary method of communication with brands. Despite the convenience of digital media, consumers consistently report that they enjoy checking the mailbox and finding promotional pieces mingled with personal mail. In a separate survey, 59 percent of consumers say that they enjoy receiving postal mail from brands about new services, products, and promotions. Read More

The Most Effective Direct Mail Strategies

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  Direct mail campaigns can be an ideal way to draw new customers into a business, or simply liven up business among current customers. At the same time, however, direct mailings can be expensive and time consuming to distribute, so your business should target the most profitable demographics when deciding who to send mailings to. Read More

How Direct Mail Beats Out Online Marketing

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  We’ve all heard the argument that direct mail is dead and web marketing is the new way to go. After all, who still uses the postal service to send mail? While that may be true when it comes to most social correspondence or work communication, advertising still fares extremely well when received in hard copy. Engaging customers through direct mail campaigns is a surefire way to get a higher return on investment (ROI) than if you focused all of your efforts on email and web marketing. Direct Mail Response Rates Read More

Who Still Uses Direct Mail? (How About Apple?)

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Does direct mail marketing still have a place in an online world? After all, who still uses direct mail today? The answer just might surprise you. One of the most innovative and forward-thinking companies in the high-tech world knows that sometimes the tactile appeal of a piece of mail delivers what a post or a tweet just can’t. The online technology reporting site TechCrunch recently reported that the Cupertino computing giant mailed out a set of slick posters featuring outstanding images of their ultra-cool-looking new Mac Pro computers. Is Apple going “old school” with their marketing? Read More

5 Tips For a Jolly Holiday Direct Mail Campaign

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  ‘Tis the season to be profitable with direct mail. As spending ramps up during the holiday season, it’s important that your business is poised to take advantage of holiday marketing. By following these tips, you can ensure that your… Read More