Solving the Riddles: 3 Misconceptions About Direct Mail Production

Image for Solving the Riddles: 3 Misconceptions About Direct Mail Production
  With direct mail making a big comeback as part of integrated inbound marketing campaigns, the myths about production are also being revived. The process might seem like magic, and given that we’re used to the instantaneous nature of all things digital it’s easy to believe it’s equally simple. The truth is that producing direct mail materials is a complex, costly process, and one you shouldn’t undertake unless you know what you’re doing. Misconception 1: Conceptualization is Easy Read More

4 Things To Do Before Executing a Direct Mail Campaign

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  Implementing a direct mail campaign is one of the best ways to boost your sales for a particular financial period. Campaigns are shown to deliver an average 4.4% response rate, which is considerably higher than the statistics for electronic mail. Read More

Brand Awareness and Direct Mail: Together

Image for Brand Awareness and Direct Mail: Together
  Many feel brand marketing and direct mail are separate concepts, but the two have the potential to go hand in hand. Brand awareness can be enhanced through direct mail and can greatly enhance a reader’s impression of the brand. There are a number of ways to do this that include using color the right way and keeping your message consistent. It is important to fully understand your target market before engaging in brand awareness and direct mail marketing. What is brand marketing? Brand marketing strives to unite a product and a brand as one in the same. Brand marketers work hard to turn their products into household names and to make them go-to products of choice. Brand marketing works to establish big names with big budgets, while direct mail works on a much smaller scale. The question is whether brand awareness is more important than direct mail marketing. Which is right for your business? Read More

Don’t Forget The Direct Mail CTA!

Image for Don’t Forget The Direct Mail CTA!
If people simply did what we wanted, marketing would be simple. Unfortunately, it requires a bit more work and customers need direction, motivation and incentive to do what we want them to do. An effective call to action (CTA) accomplishes these goals and should always be used in your direct mail campaign. Crafting an effective CTA requires effort and thought. Suggesting someone check out your website or follow you on Facebook isn’t enough when it comes to direct mail. Read More

All Hail the Mighty Direct Mail Testimonial!

Image for All Hail the Mighty Direct Mail Testimonial!
  Direct mailers should be familiar with a number of marketing concepts, and one is the testimonial. A testimonial is a spoken or written statement about the value of a product or service and the closest thing to word-of-mouth that direct mail can achieve. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Re-thinking the 40-40-20 Rule

Image for Direct Mail Success: Re-thinking the 40-40-20 Rule
  For many, many years experts have preached that the secret to direct mail success lay in following the revered “40-40-20 Rule”: 40 percent of a direct mailing’s success is dependent upon the list; 40 percent of the success comes from the offer; and 20 percent of the success is due to the creative. Does that old axiom still hold true in the digital age, or has it gone the way of the fax machine and the 22¢ stamp? Read More

How To Make Images Work In Your Direct Mailing Campaign

Image for How To Make Images Work In Your Direct Mailing Campaign
  We have all heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Smart marketers know strong, powerful images should always be included in a direct marketing campaign. Choosing the right photo to complement your campaign is important, and can make or break that vital first impression. The right images can lead to promising results. Direct mail typically consists of three components: the creative, the message and the offer. The image you choose falls under the creative category, and the message and offer further build upon and support that image. The ability to tie the three together can have an enormous influence the success of your campaign. Read More

New Service From the USPS! (But is it Right for You?)

Image for New Service From the USPS! (But is it Right for You?)
  Businesses these days are constantly on the lookout for anything that will give them a bit of an edge in getting their message out to customers. That fact isn’t lost on the United States Postal Service (USPS), and one way they’re trying to help businesses succeed is with a new service called Every Door Direct Mail. But just because something is new doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right solution for your business. So who can best take advantage of this new USPS service? Read More

Direct Mail Tales: The Sad Story of King Customer

Image for Direct Mail Tales: The Sad Story of King Customer
  Once upon a time, in the land of Commerce, there lived a king by the name of Customer. All the merchants of the land depended upon his favor and so regularly sought an audience with the King in the hopes that he would choose to spend some of his wealth on their goods and services. Read More

4 Critical Components of a Direct Marketing Strategy

Image for 4 Critical Components of a Direct Marketing Strategy
With all the focus on inbound marketing these days it’s often thought that direct mail no longer has a place at the marketing table. This isn’t true. With a little imagination you can make sure your direct marketing strategy complements your other activities.. Here are 4 critical components to include in direct mail to integrate it into your overall marketing plan. Read More