Useful Direct Mailers That Will Get Your Company Noticed

Image for Useful Direct Mailers That Will Get Your Company Noticed
Direct mailers are no longer resigned to simple postcards and letter-sized envelops. These days, there are much more inventive options for direct mail campaigns, from mailers that double as pencil holders, to puzzle mailers requiring customer participation to piece together the necessary information. Read More

Why I Love Direct Mail—and 3 Ways to Improve Your Direct Mail Response Rates

Image for Why I Love Direct Mail—and 3 Ways to Improve Your Direct Mail Response Rates
Don’t tell my wife, but I’m thinking about getting a tattoo. You can see it pictured here. It’s not as “out there” as a Harley Davidson tattoo, but it communicates something important: “I Love Direct Mail.” Why? As a marketing professional, I find there’s something very honest and straightforward about direct mail marketing.  It’s not vague and hard to pin down like branding. I’m not saying that branding isn’t important (it is). It’s just that sometimes, it’s hard to say—at least in the short run—whether your branding is effective or not. Read More

Stuck On You: Why Direct Mail Sticks Around

Image for Stuck On You: Why Direct Mail Sticks Around
What do you do when you run across an email that you think is interesting—but don’t have time to review right now? If you’re like me, you leave it in your inbox so you can read it later. But three days later there are 200 additional messages in your inbox and you don’t have time to sort through them to find the one you were planning to read. How about if you come across an interesting article online that you know you want to check out? Maybe you bookmark it. But unless you have some kind of reminder to go back and check it, you’ll likely to forget about it. Read More

3 Things to Avoid in a Direct Mailer

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  It can be difficult to carry out a successful direct mail campaign. While there are several steps people can take to ensure success, many make the same mistakes on more than one occasion. This virtually guarantees their direct mail ends up in the trash. Read More

What Your Font Says About Your Direct Mailer

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  Typography is one of the most important aspects of successful marketing. Unfortunately, the marketing world consists of two extreme opposites: people who want to use overly minimal fonts like Times New Roman 12 point and people who want to use gaudy, distracting fonts that make the text nearly impossible to comprehend. Read More

Using Precanceled Stamps on Your Direct Mailer

Image for Using Precanceled Stamps on Your Direct Mailer
  When a company decides on direct mailing as a marketing campaign, it can be frustrating when your efforts are automatically considered junk mail by many recipients because they lack a stamp. Fortunately, the United States Postal Service took initiative to help companies be more successful with direct mailings. They instituted new precanceled stamps. These stamps are provided for a lower price, and mailers pay the difference when they mail items. Read More

The Important Role of Creative In Your Direct Mail Efforts

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  Conventional direct mail wisdom acknowledges the importance of “creative” in the success of any direct mail endeavor. The old “40-40-20 Rule” claims that your list and your offer are each responsible for 40 percent of your mailing’s success, while your creative (copy, design, illustration) bears the burden for the remaining 20 percent. But what exactly is this “creative” that the marketing sages are talking about? Read More

The Role of Data in Direct Marketing

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  Data has become currency in direct marketing, and it’s going to stay that way for some time. It has always been valuable to have customer intelligence, but since the advent of digital marketing with its ability to track and measure, data has soared in value. It’s not only companies that are aware of it, though; customers know you’re using their data for marketing purposes and they are singularly unforgiving of those who get it wrong. That makes it a two-edged sword, but one you can’t live without.  Read More

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! It’s All about the Direct Mail Packaging

Image for Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! It’s All about the Direct Mail Packaging
  When it comes to direct mailers, the phrase “never judge a book by its cover” no longer applies. Companies are prone to spend large sums of money on direct mailers that usually get tossed in the trash before anyone reads the content. So the big question: how do we change that? The most important thing to remember is that presentation is everything for successful direct mailers. Read More

Are You Tiring Your Customers Out? Direct Mail Fatigue and Other Challenges

Image for Are You Tiring Your Customers Out? Direct Mail Fatigue and Other Challenges
  The moments of truth. That split second when your customer chooses to dump your direct mail item instead of opening it. It’s a moment you can never get back, and yet it happens all the time, every day. Why? Because there are challenges facing direct mail campaigns that we often fail to recognize. Read More