The Power of Handwritten Notes in Marketing

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Unlike email or other digital marketing campaigns, only direct mail can offer a handwritten note. A personalized note can increase response to a marketing campaign by 30-50%. For those looking for something new in their marketing strategy, personalization may be an answer. Why Personalization Works If you pick up the phone and the caller mispronounces your name, how likely are you to hang up? The reason for such a negative response is that it's evident that the caller isn’t making a personal call; you were simply the next name on a long list. There is a similar response when people receive a piece of mail that is addressed to "current resident" or a letter that opens with, "Dear Friend." Even with a mass mailing, simply having a name on each letter makes recipients more likely to read it, because people will feel the mailing was intended solely for them. Addressing the reader by name is the first step to increasing the response rate in a direct mail marketing campaign. Read More

Welcome-to-the-Neighborhood Marketing

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  Moving to a new city can be challenging when it comes to discovering the best places to go to complete everyday tasks. Where is the closest grocery store? Where do I get my hair cut? How far is it to make a run for pizza? Every new resident in an area has similar questions and concerns. This makes for a wonderful direct mail marketing niche. Read More

Using Cartoons in Direct Mail Marketing

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  If you’re looking to try something new with your direct mail marketing, try a touch of humor. Everyone welcomes the opportunity to laugh, especially after a long, stressful day. The last thing people are looking for when sifting through a mound of bills is a serious or exaggerated advertisement. Instead, try a humorous cartoon for something more lighthearted. Humor for Business There’s no doubt humor can be very good for business. Associating your company with good humor and a smile can help build relationships and create a positive image for your organization. Cartoons can be a useful tool to employ in marketing. They can offer potential customers a taste of what the company is like. If the message being sent is, "We are fun and don't take ourselves too seriously," most people will respond in a positive way. A cartoon can pique a potential customer’s interest and encourage them to want to learn more about you and the services or goods you offer. Read More

How Big Does My Direct Mailing Have to Be to Be Effective?

Image for How Big Does My Direct Mailing Have to Be to Be Effective?
  For many businesses the days of massive direct mailings are over. The increased costs of printing and postage for large direct mail efforts are simply prohibitive. But does the size of a mailing really matter—or can direct mail be effective on a smaller scale? Let’s be clear about something: When you reduce a mailing from 100,000 pieces down to 5,000 pieces you lose economies of scale. Your per-piece costs for services such as creative, design, printing, and mailing can go up pretty dramatically. Read More

Why Small Businesses Need Direct Mail Marketing

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  While many believe that the age of the internet has essentially killed traditional marketing methods such as direct mail marketing, research shows that direct mail marketing is actually making a comeback. With this resurgence in direct mail marketing, it is even more important for small businesses to take advantage of this tactic for their marketing strategy. Read on to learn more about why direct mail marketing is key for small businesses and how small businesses can take advantage of all that direct mail marketing has to offer. Read More

6 Direct Mail Marketing Strategies That Work

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  Recently, we provided you with tips to improve your direct mail marketing campaign for the holidays. Now that the holiday season is coming to a close, it is time to start thinking about what direct mail marketing strategies your business can use in 2014 and beyond. There are many tried and true ways to use direct mail in your marketing strategy, from the 40/40/20 rules to the high performance of postcards. With these six direct mail marketing strategies, you can develop a direct mail marketing campaign that works. Read More

Zombies And Direct Mail

Image for Zombies And Direct Mail
There are a couple of things in this world that are just really hard to kill: zombies and direct mail. But unless you’re in the entertainment industry, only one of them can… Read More

7 Brilliant Ideas To Bring Your Direct Mail Campaign To Life

Image for 7 Brilliant Ideas To Bring Your Direct Mail Campaign To Life
  Though direct mail is one of the most effective forms of traditional advertising, the pieces you send out don’t have to be traditional in nature. By infusing your direct mail campaign with exciting ideas and content, you’ll surprise your readers and magnify their responses. Remember, because our culture is infused with technology, direct mail is more powerful today than it ever has been before. Today, you can capture attention simply by marketing on a medium that isn’t as inundated with competitive ads. However, employing a direct mail marketing strategy that’s boring and lifeless can actually drive consumers away. It’s vital to infuse life into your direct mail campaign to excite customers into doing business with you. Here are seven brilliant ideas to consider incorporating into your direct mail campaign: Read More