Opening a New Business and the Power of Direct Mail Marketing

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When opening a new business, you’ve probably considered local advertising, a website, and signage as good ways to alert potential customers to your presence. All these marketing tools are important when opening a business, but direct mail marketing may be most effective. Using direct mail marketing, a company can spread the word quickly to reach prospective customers and start a dialogue. Customers appreciate knowing a company cares about them and genuinely appreciates their insight and business. Once you've established a dialogue with consumers and shown them their importance to your company, you have a much better chance of getting them in the door. Read More

When “TMI” Kills Your Direct Marketing Campaign

Image for When “TMI” Kills Your Direct Marketing Campaign
  When consumers get direct mail pieces that take too long to read or understand, they are quickly ignored. Most people go through the mail when they get home from a long day of work and don’t have the energy or focus to read over any sort of marketing letters, bills, or advertisement. Direct mail that is wordy or contains too much information (TMI) is not likely to be read and even less likely to convince the recipient to become a paying customer. To make direct mail effective, companies need to keep it simple. Letters or emails that sound like sales pitches or formal requests for money or donations will not be effective, and will most likely be thrown away. A company that wants to connect with its customers and create an effective dialogue with them needs to focus on being straightforward. Read More

How to Market a New Product with Direct Mail Marketing

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  If you have created a new product that appeals to a wide-range of consumers, direct mail marketing can cover a lot of ground quickly. Don’t limit your campaign to what and where you think your customers may be. Send out direct mail pieces that highlight the exciting features and benefits of a new product to drive customers to your website or store. Direct mail is most effective when it has a clear purpose. Receiving messages with irrelevant content is one of the most common turnoffs for customers. When you have a new product, your customers will be more receptive to receiving direct mail, as you have something important that you wish to share with them. Read More

Getting Over a Sales Slump with Direct Mail Marketing

Image for Getting Over a Sales Slump with Direct Mail Marketing
  When a company that sells products and services is stuck in a sales rut, they can turn to direct mail marketing to give sales an immediate boost. Even if direct mail marketing has been used in the past, it can garner quick results in the target marketplace when a strategy is formed to attract consumer attention. With the right message, direct mail can be a great tool for driving revenue. Read More

When to use a QR Code on Direct Mail

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  It's hard to go anywhere these days without seeing a QR code. They're located in magazines, newspapers, and even some books. You can also find them on restaurant table cardboard advertisements. QR codes are located next to art installations in public places and stores are getting into the game by placing them next to their address on the front window. Even cities and towns are joining the bandwagon with QR codes. Some have them in their email signatures! Read More

Does Your Direct Mail Deliver?

Image for Does Your Direct Mail Deliver?
  When your direct mail piece is delivered to the correct destination in a timely fashion you tend to breathe a sigh of relief, but—has it really delivered? Direct mail is supposed to do more than just arrive. It’s supposed to generate response. It’s intended to get people to do something. If it simply sits in the mailbox or lies there on the kitchen table, it’s not doing its job. “Mission accomplished?” Not by a long shot! Read More

Four Major Direct Mail Blunders and How to Avoid Them

Image for Four Major Direct Mail Blunders and How to Avoid Them
  Direct mail remains a very powerful marketing tool and a key component to any integrated marketing strategy—if it’s done properly. There are, however, some principle fundamentals that govern your success. Unfortunately, it’s fairly easy to make mistakes with these fundamentals that can dramatically (and negatively) impact the outcome of your direct mail efforts. Let’s take a look at four common direct mail blunders that many businesses make and talk about how you can avoid them. Read More

Friends Don’t Let Friends Do “Junk Mail”: 3 Ways to Keep the “Junk” Out of Your Mail

Image for Friends Don’t Let Friends Do “Junk Mail”: 3 Ways to Keep the “Junk” Out of Your Mail
  A lot of consumers (and this would include many of your potential customers) make no distinction between “direct mail” and “junk mail.” That’s unfortunate, because well-done direct mail can be an effective part of your overall integrated marketing strategy. It’s not surprising, because there has been a lot of junky direct mail produced over the years. Let’s look at three basic reasons why people who receive it consider it junk. And let’s also talk about what you can do to ensure that mailings your send aren’t perceived this way. Read More

What Is Every Door Direct Mail (and Why Should You Care)?

Image for What Is Every Door Direct Mail (and Why Should You Care)?
  One of the basic tenets of successful direct mail is making sure that you’re talking to the right audience. You don’t want to bombard cat owners with offers for dog grooming services. It’s a waste of time and money. But what should you do if the product or service you’re offering really does apply to (almost) everyone?  What if you’re a pizza shop, trying to find customers in your neighborhood? There’s no list out there for “People Who Like Pizza.”  In a case like that, you want to target a geographic area, because even pizza lovers probably aren’t going to drive 15 miles to pick up a pizza (no matter how good it is). What you want to do in this case is hit every door within a 3-mile radius of your shop. Read More

Effective Color Usage in Direct Mail Marketing

Image for Effective Color Usage in Direct Mail Marketing
Colors demand attention. If images are printed only in black and white, viewers tend to lose interest quickly. However, color  employed effectively makes people more likely to stop  and take notice. Read More