Direct Mail Secrets: What’s the Best List for Your Mailing?

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  For many years, direct mail experts have touted having the right list as one of the absolute essentials for direct mail success. It’s part of what became known as the 40-40-20 Rule. If you’re not communicating with the right audience you’re wasting your time and money. If you’re talking about your products and services to someone who simply isn’t interested—you’re sending “junk mail.” Read More

Direct Mail That Really Delivers

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If your business relies on direct mail as part of your overall marketing strategy, it’s important to make sure your mail gets where it’s supposed to go. The last thing you want is  a bunch of mailers ending up back in your company mail room marked “undeliverable.” It’s a waste of time and money. Read More

Why Saving Money on Direct Mail Design Can Cost You Big Time

Image for Why Saving Money on Direct Mail Design Can Cost You Big Time
Every smart business tries to keep a lid on costs. That’s just good business. But sometimes businesses shoot themselves in the foot with cost-savings efforts. You wouldn’t turn off the power in an effort to save money on utilities because the loss of employee productivity would far outweigh any savings you might realize. Read More

Solidify Your Brand with Direct Mail Marketing

Image for Solidify Your Brand with Direct Mail Marketing
  To create a solid brand, you have to present it properly in multiple forms. Direct mail is a good traditional strategy for showing off a solid brand, in contrast to digital marketing. The following are a few tips for presenting a strong brand and increasing brand recognition through direct mail. Read More

Marrying Direct Mail and Digital Marketing

Image for Marrying Direct Mail and Digital Marketing
  When companies restrict their marketing to the digital world, they miss out on opportunities offered by direct mail. A comprehensive marketing strategy bridges the gap between direct mail and digital, using each to complement the other. Direct mail is virtually certain to reach the recipient, but cannot provide as much information or content as digital marketing sources. Internet resources can be unlimited in amount of content, but web traffic must be directed to them if they’re to be effective. The following are a few of the benefits of combining direct mail and digital strategies for maximum marketing success. Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: Treat Every Mailing as a Significant Learning Opportunity

Image for Direct Mail Marketing: Treat Every Mailing as a Significant Learning Opportunity
  Let’s face it: Not every mailing you send out will be an unmitigated success. There will be times when you simply don’t get the results you hoped for. But that doesn’t mean that you should simply turn your back on that effort and never think about it again. When you track your direct mail results (and you need to make sure you’re doing this!), don’t focus exclusively on the numbers. Sure it’s important to measure response and revenue and return on investment. You should do that. (By the way, if you’re looking for ways to record responses this post has helpful suggestions for tracking of direct mail campaign results.) Read More

Why I Love Direct Mail—and 3 Ways to Improve Your Direct Mail Response Rates

Image for Why I Love Direct Mail—and 3 Ways to Improve Your Direct Mail Response Rates
Don’t tell my wife, but I’m thinking about getting a tattoo. You can see it pictured here. It’s not as “out there” as a Harley Davidson tattoo, but it communicates something important: “I Love Direct Mail.” Why? As a marketing professional, I find there’s something very honest and straightforward about direct mail marketing.  It’s not vague and hard to pin down like branding. I’m not saying that branding isn’t important (it is). It’s just that sometimes, it’s hard to say—at least in the short run—whether your branding is effective or not. Read More

Stuck On You: Why Direct Mail Sticks Around

Image for Stuck On You: Why Direct Mail Sticks Around
What do you do when you run across an email that you think is interesting—but don’t have time to review right now? If you’re like me, you leave it in your inbox so you can read it later. But three days later there are 200 additional messages in your inbox and you don’t have time to sort through them to find the one you were planning to read. How about if you come across an interesting article online that you know you want to check out? Maybe you bookmark it. But unless you have some kind of reminder to go back and check it, you’ll likely to forget about it. Read More

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! It’s All about the Direct Mail Packaging

Image for Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! It’s All about the Direct Mail Packaging
  When it comes to direct mailers, the phrase “never judge a book by its cover” no longer applies. Companies are prone to spend large sums of money on direct mailers that usually get tossed in the trash before anyone reads the content. So the big question: how do we change that? The most important thing to remember is that presentation is everything for successful direct mailers. Read More