Why Your Direct Mailings Won’t Work On Their Own

Image for Why Your Direct Mailings Won’t Work On Their Own
  Did you ever take something apart as a kid, just to see how it would work? Then you’d put it back together again—and notice that you had an extra part of two on the floor? Whatever it was you took apart didn’t work right anymore, and the “extra” part on the ground didn’t do much by itself. Read More

5 Reasons People Open Their Mail

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  We may live in a digital, online age, but every day people still open up their mailboxes to see what’s inside. And every day people actually open the mail they find inside. Why do they do that? Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: RSVP

Image for Direct Mail Marketing: RSVP
  We’ve all received invitations in the mail. Sometimes the invitation is to an elegant event. Other times it’s an invitation to an open house or a neighborhood barbeque. But these invitations have something in common: They all have an RSVP. The person (or organization) sending out the invitation wants to know what your response will be. Are you coming or not? Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: Are You Drinking Your Own Kool-Aid?

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  There are times when businesses just aren’t happy with the results they’re getting from their direct mailings. When that happens, there’s a tendency to put the blame on the messenger (direct mail) instead of on the message. Read More

Email and Direct Mail Marketing: A “Tag Team” Approach to Marketing

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  Sometimes businesses get caught up with one particular form of marketing. For some it may be whatever has worked for them in the past. They’re familiar with it and they’re comfortable doing it. They don’t want to rock the boat—or learn something new. Other companies are enamored with whatever the newest technology is. They jump in with both feet—and often put all their marketing eggs in one basket, whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Unfortunately, that generally doesn’t turn out so well. Read More

Planning Ahead for Direct Mail Success

Image for Planning Ahead for Direct Mail Success
  If you’re like many businesses, you may be pretty focused on wrapping up the end of the current year. It’s important to finish well. But this time of year is also a great time to think ahead and plan improvements for the coming year. Read More

How to Deploy a Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Image for How to Deploy a Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaign
  Direct marketing has many benefits, such as reaching a large audience quickly and efficiently. Learning how to deploy a campaign may sound easy, but a lot must be done to make it successful. Direct mail marketing is a great way to increase revenue, gain traction in the community, and generate leads. To have a successful campaign, though, the correspondence must be targeted. Read More