Is It OK for Mailings to Be Urgent?

Image for Is It OK for Mailings to Be Urgent?
  Creating a sense of urgency with your direct mailings is one of the oldest—and most effective—marketing approaches in the book. You’ve seen the approach hundreds of times. Store banners, newspaper ads, and direct mailers proclaim: “Limited Time Offer!” or “Limited Quantities!” or the ever-popular, “When They’re Gone, They’re Gone!  Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: Choosing Clear Over Clever Every Time

Image for Direct Mail Marketing: Choosing Clear Over Clever Every Time
  A lot of people tune into the Super Bowl every year just to watch the commercials. Some years there are some great ones. Other years, not so much. If your particular team isn’t playing, the commercials can be the highlight of the whole day.  And when you think about what companies spend to air a commercial during the Super Bowl (an average of about $4.5 million for a 30-second commercial in 2015), you would expect that these clever masterpieces would have some pretty serious impact. Read More

The 3 Questions Your Direct Mail Marketing HAS to Answer

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  Believe it or not, most people—even your best potential clients—aren’t sitting around waiting for your next direct mailing to show up in their mailbox. That’s right! Even people who should care about what you have to say may not notice your message. Read More

Ways to Choose the Right Envelopes for Your Direct Mail Campaign

Image for Ways to Choose the Right Envelopes for Your Direct Mail Campaign
  First impressions are everything. It’s an old idea, but it still holds true—people are only human, after all. And the same thing applies to a direct mail campaign – the envelope you use may not be high on your list of priorities, but it can make the difference between getting your mail shot read or dumped. Read More

Why Doing Direct Mail Isn’t Like Cutting the Grass

Image for Why Doing Direct Mail Isn’t Like Cutting the Grass
  Some people dread cutting the grass. As a kid, however, I always thought there was something very satisfying about it. One of the things I liked about cutting the grass is that you could tell where you’d been. The grass was either mowed—or it wasn’t. That meant that you knew when you were done. You could look back over the yard and see if there were any spots you missed. If it all looked good, you were finished! Read More

How to Write Great Direct Mail Content

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  To successfully compete alongside other forms of marketing, direct mail campaigns should focus on engaging content. Everything from pulling the mail out of the mailbox to opening the envelope and reading should be an experience that is natural and relevant. Content marketing in direct mail doesn’t have to mean pages of passive script. Instead, it means focusing on sending mailings that make a difference in the lives of the recipients. Read More

4 Ways to Ensure Quality Control of Your Direct Mail Campaign

Image for 4 Ways to Ensure Quality Control of Your Direct Mail Campaign
  When you hand over the responsibility for your direct mail campaign to an external service provider, it’s normal to feel a twinge of concern about whether the final product is going to meet your standards. Implementing a quality campaign takes close cooperation between you and the mailing house, and using this checklist of 5 ways to ensure quality control will help make the end result meet your professional standards. Read More

The Difference Between Sales and Marketing (and How That Should Affect Direct Mail)

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It’s not unusual for businesses to lump sales and marketing together—particularly when personnel wear multiple hats. And while sales and marketing are related, and should work together, they are two very different things. Understanding the difference is important, and has an impact on how a company engages in direct mail. Read More