Direct Mail Today: When Smaller Is Bigger

Image for Direct Mail Today: When Smaller Is Bigger
  It’s pretty easy to buy into the mentality that “bigger is better.” Sometimes that even finds it’s way into thinking about direct mail. Some companies think that if they simply double the size of their mailing that they’ll automatically double their response. Read More

Calls to Action Aren’t What They Used to Be

Image for Calls to Action Aren’t What They Used to Be
  Having a clear and compelling call to action has always been of vital importance in direct mail. That’s something that hasn’t changed. It’s not enough to reach out to potential customers—you want to get them to reach back to you. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Are Your Efforts Paying Off?

Image for Direct Mail Success: Are Your Efforts Paying Off?
Businesses can’t afford to engage in activities that aren’t producing results. But when it comes to your direct mail marketing efforts, how do you know if what you are doing is paying off? Read More

Marketing and Nailing Jell-O to a Tree

Image for Marketing and Nailing Jell-O to a Tree
  Every now and then you’ll hear someone describing a difficult process as being “like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree.” It doesn’t matter what color the Jell-O is, or what kind of nail you use, or how hard you hit the nail. It just doesn’t work. Read More

Print Marketing: When Old Becomes New Again

Image for Print Marketing: When Old Becomes New Again
  You’ve probably noticed how trends seem to recur in slightly different forms. We see it in fashion and homebuilding trends all the time. We even see it in some industrial designs. Sometimes it’s just good fun and highly entertaining.  But sometimes a new perspective on an old idea can be rereshingly impactful. Read More

Writing for Print Marketing vs. Writing for Digital Marketing

Image for Writing for Print Marketing vs. Writing for Digital Marketing
  You might not realize this, but not all writing is created equal. The type of copywriting and content that you use on your website is different to the writing required for long form printed marketing materials, and they both differ from short form printed marketing materials. Here is a basic cheat sheet for the various types of writing you are likely to require for your business. Read More

Marketing Today: When Your Promotion Doesn’t Fit Your Persona

Image for Marketing Today: When Your Promotion Doesn’t Fit Your Persona
  Sometimes a marketing promotion or program seems like a really good idea. It’s fun. It’s engaging. It has broad appeal. Or at least you think it does because it appeals to you—and you’re not thinking like your ideal customer. You see your ideal customer has a persona—a kind of personality that’s fairly well defined. And what characterizes your customer may not quite be the same thing that characterizes you. Read More

Marketing Integration: Designing a Successful Landing Page

Image for Marketing Integration: Designing a Successful Landing Page
There’s an old aviation adage that claims: “Any landing you can walk away from is a good one.” That may be true for flying, but it doesn’t work so well with marketing. Where your prospects “land” is important. Read More