Solving Two Big Direct Mail Challenges with One Small Stroke

Image for Solving Two Big Direct Mail Challenges with One Small Stroke
  If you talk to almost any company that uses direct mail as part of their marketing strategy to drive business, you’ll probably hear them mention two big challenges their direct mail efforts face: (1) getting their mail opened and (2) getting people to respond. Read More

Direct Mail March Madness: What If Your Prospects Aren’t Fans?

Image for Direct Mail March Madness: What If Your Prospects Aren’t Fans?
  Have you ever noticed that some businesses will jump at virtually any occasion to promote their goods and services? Last month, everything seemed to be about the Super Bowl. There were Super Sales and Super Offers everywhere you looked.  Of course then came all the Presidents Day Extravaganzas in which George Washington and Abraham Lincoln made pitches for their favorite cars and furniture stores. Read More

Direct Mail Is Intrusive! (Is That Good or Bad?)

Image for Direct Mail Is Intrusive! (Is That Good or Bad?)
The past few years have seen the emergence of inbound marketing as a more effective way to reach potential customers. The inbound approach to marketing essentially pulls prospects to your website with helpful information these individuals are looking for. It stands in contrast to outbound marketing, which pushes a message out to prospects who may or may not have requested it. Read More

Does Direct Mail Fit in an Inbound Marketing World?

Image for Does Direct Mail Fit in an Inbound Marketing World?
  Marketing has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so. We’ve all heard, “The Internet changes everything,” and it’s true. But it’s not just that business has moved online and we purchase with a click instead of with a wallet. They very process we go through to do business is completely different today. Read More

Setting Expectations for Your Direct Mail Efforts

Image for Setting Expectations for Your Direct Mail Efforts
  At TMR Direct, we’ve been helping companies and organizations do direct mail successfully for more than 40 years. I can tell you that we’ve never come across anyone who does it just for fun (although, we have seen some pretty fun direct mailings!). Companies and organizations use direct mail because they expect something in return. Read More

Winners and Losers: Favorite Direct Mail Pieces from 2015

Image for Winners and Losers: Favorite Direct Mail Pieces from 2015
  At the end of this month (February 28th in case you want to watch), the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will honor the best films of 2015 at the 88th Academy Awards ceremony. A lot of people will be watching to see who the big winners (and losers) are. Read More

Don’t Just Do Direct Mail Different—Do It Better

Image for Don’t Just Do Direct Mail Different—Do It Better
  Most businesses would agree that it’s important to stand out from the competition. Differentiation is key to business success, and a lot of businesses use their marketing—including their direct mail marketing to help make that differentiation. Read More

Is 2016 The Year to Try Something New With Your Direct Mail Strategy?

Image for Is 2016 The Year to Try Something New With Your Direct Mail Strategy?
  The New Year is upon us and your Uncle Sam wants you to try something new with your direct mail efforts! OK, technically, it’s the United States Post Office that wants American businesses to try some new stuff, but we’re pretty sure that Uncle Sam and the USPS are on the same page. Read More

How Much Is Too Much? Does Your Direct Marketing Tell Too Much?

Image for How Much Is Too Much? Does Your Direct Marketing Tell Too Much?
  Knowing how much to say with your direct marketing messages is a challenge—one that has troubled marketing experts for years. If you don’t say enough, you’ve wasted your time because your audience won’t have enough information to respond. But what if you say too much? Read More