4 Ways to Make Direct Mail Engage Your Target Market

Image for 4 Ways to Make Direct Mail Engage Your Target Market
  If there’s one nightmare scenario for every company who starts a direct mail campaign, it’s putting lots of effort and expense into a promotion only to get nothing in return but crickets. Engaging your target market is crucial, otherwise your printed materials just end up in landfill. Read More

4 Direct Mail Tactics to Avoid like the Plague

Image for 4 Direct Mail Tactics to Avoid like the Plague
  Although direct marketing has proved over and over again to be a successful way to keep clients and to gain more new clients, it has to be done properly to prevent your business from losing money. Maximize the results of your direct mailing campaign by avoiding these 4 mistakes like the plague: Read More

Getting the Right Message Across with Your Direct Mail Design

Image for Getting the Right Message Across with Your Direct Mail Design
  Unlike email and other forms of digital marketing, direct mail has a physical presence that’s hard to ignore. Once it arrives at the recipient’s address, it has to be handled - either opened and read or, heaven forbid, put straight in the trash. Your message needs to come across loud and clear if you want to avoid the second category. Read More

Creating a Flawless Flow from Direct Mail to Email

Image for Creating a Flawless Flow from Direct Mail to Email
  Many email icons landing in an open palm. Or rising up from the hand into a receptive cloud computing symbol. Business metaphor for online correspondence and mobile computing. Steel blue background. In recent months and years, direct mail has been making a quiet comeback. Consumer behavior is one reason because, as email marketing has become more prevalent, customers actually enjoy physical mail arriving at their homes. Read More

6 Most Common Direct Mail Mistakes Businesses Make

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  It is an accepted fact that direct mail is one of the most efficient and successful ways to market a business. However, it is a difficult method of marketing to master, and unless you know how to do it properly, the mistakes you make can result in your marketing efforts being less successful than they could be. Here are 6 of the most common direct mail mistakes businesses make and how to avoid them, if you want to save money, time, and increase the success of your business, especially if you are new to the field. Read More

Finding the Right Font for Your Direct Mail Campaign

Image for Finding the Right Font for Your Direct Mail Campaign
  Despite the growing popularity of mobile marketing, a good direct mail campaign still generates plenty of sales for small businesses and corporations. Many marketers focus on writing high-converting copy and using eye-catching graphics, but they don’t put enough emphasis on choosing the right font. The fonts you use says a lot about your approach to business, so choose them carefully. Read More

How to Choose Colors that Work Best in Direct Mail

Image for How to Choose Colors that Work Best in Direct Mail
  To deliver the response you want, every piece of your advertising needs to have the right elements: persuasive copy, a visually appealing design, and the right combination of fonts and colors. The right color often convinces prospects to try new products, while the wrong color makes prospects reluctant to read your promotional materials. Use the principles of color psychology to determine which colors you should use in each of your advertisements or direct mail campaigns. Read More

6 Reasons Why Direct Mail is Still Making a Killing

Image for 6 Reasons Why Direct Mail is Still Making a Killing
  According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), direct mail still gets a response rate of 3.4% from existing customers, which is almost 30 times the rate for email marketing.  Mailing campaigns that include catalogs bring in $2 for each customer they reach, and $10 for each returning client. That’s because direct mail still works, for a few (very good) reasons: Read More