Taking the Next Step: What Comes After Your Direct Marketing Campaign?

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  A successful direct marketing campaign doesn’t end with the sending of the mailers. To make it really work in your favor, you need to have your follow-up protocols in place before sending it out, so that the moment you begin getting responses you’re ready to handle them. Read More

Ways to Choose the Right Envelopes for Your Direct Mail Campaign

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  First impressions are everything. It’s an old idea, but it still holds true—people are only human, after all. And the same thing applies to a direct mail campaign – the envelope you use may not be high on your list of priorities, but it can make the difference between getting your mail shot read or dumped. Read More

Is a Direct Mail Campaign a Cost or an Investment?

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  With a tendency among marketers to consider direct mail a cost rather than an investment, far too many marketers try to do it on the cheap. That means using items such as self-mailers and postcards, when in fact you should be sending out a campaign with a classic, direct mail package accompanied by a letter. Why? Because tests usually show it delivers a much greater ROI than the cheaper options do. Read More

How to Test Your Direct Mail Campaign

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  Failing to test a direct mail campaign before sending it out on a massive scale can be a costly marketing mistake. Depending on the reason for the campaign and the type of mailing, you may be looking between $50 and $100 in terms of cost per lead. By testing your campaign first, you’ll know if the projected ROI is worth the cost of continuing the campaign. Read More

4 Ways to Ensure Quality Control of Your Direct Mail Campaign

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  When you hand over the responsibility for your direct mail campaign to an external service provider, it’s normal to feel a twinge of concern about whether the final product is going to meet your standards. Implementing a quality campaign takes close cooperation between you and the mailing house, and using this checklist of 5 ways to ensure quality control will help make the end result meet your professional standards. Read More

How Direct Mail Can Help Re-Establish Personal Relationships with Your Customers

Image for How Direct Mail Can Help Re-Establish Personal Relationships with Your Customers
  It’s lonely online. Hard to believe, in this age of online dating, marriages, shopping, banking and everything else, isn’t it? And yet, a survey conducted in Australia found that customers are increasingly feeling isolated from their favorite brands. Why? You guessed it—because the online marketing component has grown so big there’s no longer “personal” interaction. Read More

4 Ways to Ensure the Security of Your Direct Marketing Data

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  Criminals have never been slow to exploit an opportunity, and identity theft is rampant in the United States. One of the reasons so many consumers are reluctant to provide their personal contact information is because once a savvy thief gets hold of direct marketing data, it’s a short step to having enough information on someone to access their credit report. And we all know what happens next, right? The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) recommends that responsible marketers take necessary steps to protect consumer information. Read More

5 Tips for a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

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In direct mail, there are many key components to a successful campaign. Direct mail campaigns can easily flop, so learning proven techniques for ensuring success is crucial. The first step towards victory is reviewing the misguided traditions of failed direct mail campaigns. Read More

Are You Tiring Your Customers Out? Direct Mail Fatigue and Other Challenges

Image for Are You Tiring Your Customers Out? Direct Mail Fatigue and Other Challenges
  The moments of truth. That split second when your customer chooses to dump your direct mail item instead of opening it. It’s a moment you can never get back, and yet it happens all the time, every day. Why? Because there are challenges facing direct mail campaigns that we often fail to recognize. Read More