5 Steps to Putting Together a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

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  Sometimes, it’s good to get off the bandwagon. In recent years direct mail has fallen somewhat out of favor, with more companies choosing to go digital with their marketing. As the 2015 DMA Response Rate Report says, the fact that fewer companies are using direct mail is actually good news for those that do. It means far fewer pieces of mail clamoring for attention, and more chance of your mail shot getting read and acted upon. Read More

4 Reasons to Choose Direct Mail (Instead of Email)

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  If you’re not using direct mail as part of your marketing strategy, there’s a good chance you’re missing a potentially lucrative trick. The ease and immediacy of email has stolen some of direct mail’s thunder, it’s true, but often the very things are attractive about email are also the things that make it less effective. Read More

4 Ways to Make Direct Mail Engage Your Target Market

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  If there’s one nightmare scenario for every company who starts a direct mail campaign, it’s putting lots of effort and expense into a promotion only to get nothing in return but crickets. Engaging your target market is crucial, otherwise your printed materials just end up in landfill. Read More

10 Advantages of a Well-Crafted Direct Mail Campaign

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  Although there are many companies who turn to technology-based methods such as online advertising and emailing to reach clients, direct mail is known to be one of the most consistently successful methods of attracting potential customers. When a direct mailing campaign has been well planned, it is a simple and cost-effective way to gain the most out of your advertising efforts. Read More

Structuring a Direct Mail Offer that WORKS

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  Part of the key to knowing how to structure the offer in your direct mail campaign is having a firm grasp on the response you want. Often, the required response to an offer is something of an afterthought, but by making it a forethought you can more accurately predict the outcome. Read More

3 Ways to Optimize your Direct Mail Campaigns

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  Even though direct mail might seem less popular than it was in the past because of marketers using electronic media instead, it is still very different from the so-called “junk mail” of years gone by. These days, because of new production, format, and personalization options, direct mail has become a lot more relevant and interesting to those receiving it. Read More

Finding the Right Font for Your Direct Mail Campaign

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  Despite the growing popularity of mobile marketing, a good direct mail campaign still generates plenty of sales for small businesses and corporations. Many marketers focus on writing high-converting copy and using eye-catching graphics, but they don’t put enough emphasis on choosing the right font. The fonts you use says a lot about your approach to business, so choose them carefully. Read More