How to Measure the Success of Your Holiday Direct Mail Campaign

Image for How to Measure the Success of Your Holiday Direct Mail Campaign
  It is that time of year again. The time of year when everyone sends out their holiday marketing campaign, just in time to get ready for the New Year. You hope it will have the desired impact, but is there any way that you can really tell if your direct mail is having the desired impact. Read More

It’s all in the Database: List Maintenance Best Practices

Image for It’s all in the Database: List Maintenance Best Practices
  A direct mail campaign is a great way to get your message across to a large number of people and businesses in a particular area. However, even with the best graphic design and a message that is timely and on point, if you’re not paying attention to maintaining your database of contacts, you might be spending money on marketing that will never be seen. Here are a few essential tips to keep your direct mail database up to date. Read More

The Psychology of Color: How Your Color Choices Impact Sales

Image for The Psychology of Color: How Your Color Choices Impact Sales
  You probably don’t think about color much. Maybe you leave the graphic design up to someone else. Perhaps you just use the same colors for everything, regardless of what it is. If any of those apply, however, you need to stop, sooner rather than later, and start paying attention to color. Read More

Sorry! How to Recover When You’ve Made a Massive Marketing Mistake

Image for Sorry! How to Recover When You’ve Made a Massive Marketing Mistake
  Every once in a while, marketers get things massively, spectacularly wrong. Over the years, you have probably heard about costly campaigns being cancelled, and public apologies being issued. Memorable occasions when brands put their proverbial foot in it included when AT&T tweeted a picture of twin beams of light overlaid on the twin towers on a smart phone. That prompted a backlash for their insensitivity. Or what about the time that McDonalds compared wanting a Big Mac to depression? Read More

Planning and Executing a B2B Direct Mail Campaign

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  If your business relies on business customers rather than the general public, then you probably already know that there’s a big difference between marketing designed for consumers and marketing designed for fellow business owners. That is no different when you’re using direct mail to reach your B2B customers, and we’ve put together a few tips that will help you to create and execute a B2B direct mail campaign that delivers the ROI that you want. Read More

Writing for Print Marketing vs. Writing for Digital Marketing

Image for Writing for Print Marketing vs. Writing for Digital Marketing
  You might not realize this, but not all writing is created equal. The type of copywriting and content that you use on your website is different to the writing required for long form printed marketing materials, and they both differ from short form printed marketing materials. Here is a basic cheat sheet for the various types of writing you are likely to require for your business. Read More

Success Stories: Using Direct Mail to Sell New Homes

Image for Success Stories: Using Direct Mail to Sell New Homes
  It often helps to see how others are doing it, especially the ones who’re doing it with panache and a high degree of success. But it’s not quite enough to look at what they’re doing, it’s necessary to understand exactly what in their direct mail campaigns is hitting the spot amongst buyers, so you can apply similar strategies. Read More

How Small Businesses Can Optimize Direct Mail Open Rates

Image for How Small Businesses Can Optimize Direct Mail Open Rates
  Direct mail is one of the best ways to connect with new customers and rekindle your relationship with old ones. The first thing people see is the outer envelope, so this is the prime area to focus your message and attract attention. It should conform to postal standards, of course, but it should also tempt recipients to open it up and read what’s inside. Here are a few tips on how to optimize direct mail to improve open rates. Read More

4 Secrets to Direct Mail Success for Small Businesses

Image for 4 Secrets to Direct Mail Success for Small Businesses
  If you’ve never given it a go, direct mail can feel like a risky business. After all, it’s so much quicker and easier to blast off a quick email or put together an online newsletter. You might even think that successful businesses don’t do direct mail campaigns anymore. Surely today’s marketing happens on the Internet? Truth is, the overload of digital marketing has made direct marketing more attractive than ever, not least of which is because it gets people’s attention where email fails. Read More

Increase Your Direct Mail ROI with the Right Timing Tactics

Image for Increase Your Direct Mail ROI with the Right Timing Tactics
  When your direct mail campaign has no particular time sensitivity, for instance if you are sending a general product catalogue, getting your timing strategy spot on isn't so crucial. There are times, however, when an unexpected hold up can totally ruin the campaign. Read More