Preparing Teams for Direct Mail Success

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  If you’re running your first direct mail campaign, you probably already have a million things on your mind. Design and layout. Choosing the right message, and crafting an offer no one can refuse. Tweaking your copywriting until it’s perfect, and choosing the target market that you will send your message to. Read More

7 Big Name Companies That Still Use Direct Mail

Image for 7 Big Name Companies That Still Use Direct Mail
  Anyone who believes direct mail is dead likely hasn’t been following the world’s largest companies too closely. That’s because, rather than being dead, direct mail is alive, well, and used to great effect by some of the world’s major corporations to great effect. Here are a few of the companies and campaigns we’ve featured over the past few years. Read More

Direct Mail Frequency: It Takes More Than One Piece

Image for Direct Mail Frequency: It Takes More Than One Piece
  When we think of direct mail campaigns, we often think of the various ideas we can use to entice potential customers to visit our store, or call us. The creative stuff is exciting, and it’s easy to get caught up in the design and copywriting process. Read More

Sales Speak: Buzzwords to Avoid

Image for Sales Speak: Buzzwords to Avoid
  Many companies don’t want to admit this, but the truth is, most people don’t like sales people very much. Or rather, they don’t want to talk to them until they’re ready to. Read More

Creating Catalogs: When Your Direct Mail Includes Product Guides

Image for Creating Catalogs: When Your Direct Mail Includes Product Guides
  Most of us are most familiar with simple forms of direct mail. Flyers, post cards and single page documents are the most common items we find in our mail boxes. However, in 2010 alone, nearly 13 billion catalogs were mailed in the US, and they remain a popular form of direct mail. Here is what you need to know. Read More

Beyond Flyers: Creative Direct Mail Ideas

Image for Beyond Flyers: Creative Direct Mail Ideas
  Have you ever noticed that when you hear the same sound for a prolonged period of time, you tend to drown it out, so you stop hearing the details? When it comes to direct mail, flyers are pretty much the same thing. Unless they are something special and they stand out of the crowd, they mostly end up filed in the garbage, and that is literally throwing your marketing dollars away. Read More

Make Direct Mail Boost Your Referral Program

Image for Make Direct Mail Boost Your Referral Program
  Direct mail and referral programs are a marriage made in heaven! Plenty of big companies know that too.There are very few traditional marketing methods that are better suited to leveraging for referrals than your direct mail campaigns. Here is how you can get more referrals every time you send out a direct mail piece. Read More

How to Track Direct Mail Success

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  When you are deciding how to spend your marketing budget, you want to know which marketing methods work. You want to know which offers work, and what gets you the most bang for your buck. The only way to know all of that is to track your success rates, but you might not be sure how to do that. If you need a few tips on how to track your successes in direct mail better, read on: Read More

5 Ways to Fail at Direct Mail

Image for 5 Ways to Fail at Direct Mail
  Direct mail has a somewhat bad, definitely undeserved reputation. People call it outdated or ineffective, or they just dismiss it outright as a marketing strategy, saying they have tried it and it did not work. However, usually, when you scratch the surface, you find that they did not give it time, they did not plan properly, or they committed one of the cardinal sins of direct mail. We look at the top five mistakes people make, so you can avoid them next time: Read More