Does Your Content Pass the Blink Test?

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Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. At least, your content is. When someone lands on your site for the first time, you have only the blink of an eye—or… Read More

Inbound vs Content Marketing: Defining the Difference

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  There’s much debate over whether inbound and content marketing are one and the same thing, or whether one is a part of the other. It’s similar to the discussion about whether marketing and sales are the same thing, which… Read More

Marketing Today: What It’s Not All About

Image for Marketing Today: What It’s Not All About
  Anybody involved in marketing his or her company wants to know what the next marketing trend is going to be. What will be the next Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Vine? Nobody wants to be left behind, using yesterday’s marketing… Read More

Content Marketing On a Budget

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In a recent survey, 90 percent of marketers said they considered content marketing to be at least a medium, if not a high priority in their… Read More

How To Get Management Buy-In To Use Content Marketing

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  Changes never go down well. Often, it takes coming almost to the brink of disaster to get management to realize the company needs a new direction. If your retirement community is in dire need of marketing help but you… Read More

The AIDA Formula In Content Creation

Image for The AIDA Formula In Content Creation
  If you know marketing at all (or if you’ve seen Glengarry Glen Ross), chances are you’re familiar with AIDA. It’s an acronym that breaks down a marketing campaign into five simple stages: attention, interest, desire and action. A lot… Read More

Smart Ways To Repurpose Content And Save Money

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Content marketing for your blog or website requires lots of material. Like house cleaning, you’re barely finished with it when you have to start all over again. And since… Read More