How to Create a QR Code

Image for How to Create a QR Code
Many companies have a number of print materials. While the world is moving to more and more Internet mediums, there is no need to abandon  print materials. One of the easiest ways to update your print materials is with a QR (quick response barcode) code. Read More

Marketing for Remodelers: Radius Mailings

Image for Marketing for Remodelers: Radius Mailings
Let’s face it: human beings are curious creatures—especially when something is going on in their neighborhood. And while curiosity may have killed the cat, it can work to your advantage… Read More

Marketing ROI for Builders and Remodelers

Image for Marketing ROI for Builders and Remodelers
When you build a home for someone they generally have a pretty specific set of expectations of what they’re going to get for their money. The homeowner invests a certain amount of… Read More