
Image for #HowToHashtag
Over time, hashtags have become an important part of our culture. Though their use has somewhat devolved into the bizarre and ridiculous, in other ways they’re an important part of how we share information. Twitter uses them, Instagram uses them, and now Facebook has introduced hashtag use as well. So the question is, how can you harness this powerful force and use it to promote your brand? There are several ways.  Read More

Weathering Social Media Storms – And Dancing In the Rain

Image for Weathering Social Media Storms – And Dancing In the Rain
  Social networking has brought a bunch of benefits for business branding, but disadvantages exist as well. One of the main difficulties is maintaining a consistent image, especially when you have an online presence 24/7 to deal with. It’s easy when you’re under pressure to react too quickly, post off-the-cuff messages that aren’t well thought out and sometimes put your foot in your proverbial mouth. If you have a strong social media persona, however, you can probably weather the resulting storm better than most. Here’s how to present the right company image in your social media marketing so that when lightning strikes, recovery is possible. Read More

Top 5 Mistakes Brands Make On Twitter

Image for Top 5 Mistakes Brands Make On Twitter
Twitter has great potential for social media marketing. It allows you to communicate information in bite-sized chunks that your followers can access wherever they are. It can be used to build anticipation,… Read More

Branding: Does It Still Matter For Marketing?

Image for Branding: Does It Still Matter For Marketing?
Branding and marketing have gone hand in glove for years. Some companies have spent countless hours and millions of dollars perfecting their brand. And yet, there are some marketing experts today, who… Read More