New Marketing Tools: Don’t Paint Yourself Into a Corner

new marketing toolsSometimes we get so caught up and excited about new marketing tools that we lose sight of the big picture. And the big picture should always focus on our audience. Any tools we take advantage of in getting our message out should make it easier for our customers to get information and do business with us.

A case in point might be the use of Quick Response (QR) codes. We’ve talked about some of the cool things you can do with QR codes in past blogs. They’re popping up with increasing frequency almost everywhere you look. And while it’s true that more and more people have smart phones all the time, not everyone is in a big hurry to take advantage of everything their smart phone has to offer.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of what QR codes have to offer. You can pack a lot of information into a QR code—information that might otherwise require a whole paragraph of copy. And you can use your QR code to take your reader directly to a specific landing page where they can take advantage of a special offer.

But what if your readers don’t have a smart phone? Or what if they haven’t loaded the scanning software required to make it work? Or what if your particular audience just isn’t all that into technology? You don’t have to abandon QR codes. But you may want to give your readers another option.

If you use a QR code, put simple instructions next to it. The instructions could say something like, “Scan the QR code at the right or go to for more information. Then make sure that your QR code and the URL take readers to the same landing page where readers can take advantage of the special offer—regardless of how they got there!

After all, there’s more than one way to scan a cat!

Generate Quick Response Codes Online… for Free!

Try out our free online tool to make Quick Response codes. This tool will automatically shorten your URL that you enter and generate a QR code!
