Internet Marketing for Retirement Homes

internet marketing for retirement homesThe chart on the left (pulled from shows a steady increase in the number of retirees in the next decade.  With the baby-boomer generation just starting to hit retirement, there is a lot of promise for the retirement home industry.  But just being in the industry is not enough.  With more and more baby-boomers getting online, this is a crucial time to create a strong online presence for your company.  Baby-boomers and their children do a lot of their research when they are looking for a retirement home because many of them are beginning to move to different states when they retire.  And the best way for them to look for out-of-state retirement homes is online. 

Is your website getting the traffic it needs to take advantage of this enormous demographic?  If not, there is no better time than now to get started on making a change.  You need to optimize your website so that potential customers can find you when they do a search online or else you will be missing out on a huge apportunity.  Internet marketing for retirement homes is essential if you want to survive the next 20 years.

How are you investing in your website?