How Direct Mail Helps Your Spring Retail Marketing


A-Spring-in-Your-Step-Retail-Marketing-for-SpringTransitioning from winter to spring brings new anticipation in the retail business, as people pack up their winter woolens and gear up for spring clothing, shoes, makeup, and more. Successful marketing will jump on spring retail trends for 2015. Direct mail businesses in particular can take advantage of spring marketing. 

Direct Marketing and Spring Retail 

Direct marketing has great advantages for the spring season. This highly targeted campaign directs its sales at the customers who are most likely to buy, whether current or new. Spring marketing strategies can target specific audiences with ads directed at gender, age, income level, occupation, or favorite activities. 

The best ads capture attention, interest, desire, and action (AIDA). Write headlines that grab customers’ attention. Mention a promise and a benefit to hook readers into reading further. Be personal and appeal to the customer’s situation and motives. 

Direct Mail Types 

Many types of direct mail can be used for spring marketing. Retailers can insert fliers in local newspapers or bills sent to regular customers. Newspapers are often open to reduced rate negotiations. Magazines can display ads while delivering content to encourage readership more than cursory perusal. Sales letters and brochures can target a specific product line or seasonal sale. Publish picture-heavy promotions, and don’t forget to include contact info, street address, and hours of operation. 

The market is increasingly online. Take advantage of website, email, and social media marketing campaigns. Push regular updates that keep people informed about your current product lineup and sales. Spend the effort to respond to post comments on social media. Pump out regular Twitter updates. Be sure to include content and not just ads. People are becoming immune to sales-y language and are more attracted to content.

Direct Mail Strategies 

Hook customers by advertising cheaper products. Popular products sold at discount prices draw attention away from the competition. Once customers are in your store, personally introduce them to more expensive models. Keep your costs incrementally associated with additional features. Many people will purchase the more expensive version thinking they’re still getting a deal comparable to the cheaper model. Give a sense of urgency with “limited time only” availability to encourage purchasing at full price.

Another strategy to encourage business formats a direct mail ad or brochure as an invitation to a special event. Pitch your “event” as a date-specific sale or availability to push urgency. Give a personal spin to your invitations and empathize with consumer’s situations, whether appealing to their motives to stay fit with spring outdoor exercise or wanting a chance to get in on March Madness festivities.

Direct Mail Customer Retention 

Hooking customers is great. Retaining them is better. Keep track of your customers and their purchases with a comprehensive database. This will tell you how effective your marketing strategies are and how to improve in the future. If you have sale-specific web pages, which you should, use Google Analytics to track traffic and success rates. You can also track customer retention. 

Quick in-store surveys or a single question given by cashiers can judge where customers heard about your store or seasonal sale. Secure their return with a one-liner mentioning upcoming sales or products. 

Reward ongoing customers with continuing sales, coupons delivered to members only, or deals offered only through subscriptions. Start a loyalty program offering exclusive benefits. After collecting their mailing address, send a thank-you note devoid of sales gimmick language that shows contagious excitement about the benefits they will receive. 

Through these tips for successful direct marketing, businesses can take advantage of spring sales trends in their industry. Target specific audiences and prompt some urgency with your limited-time offers.

Direct Mail Best Practices