Blogging for Business: Giving Prospects Nuggets

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Information is the currency of the new gold rush in the Information Age. Your website—and more specifically, your blog—gives your business or organization the ability to disseminate a lot of helpful information… Read More

Marketing for Remodelers: Radius Mailings

Image for Marketing for Remodelers: Radius Mailings
Let’s face it: human beings are curious creatures—especially when something is going on in their neighborhood. And while curiosity may have killed the cat, it can work to your advantage… Read More

Marketing for Retirement Communities: Promoting Events

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Sometimes the best way to let people know what sets you apart from your competition is to invite people to “Come, see for yourself!” If you’re selling a commodity (think paperclips or laundry detergent) there really isn’t much point in trying to get people to “see for themselves.” If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. But if you’re talking to people about something as personal as a retirement community, there is no substitute for an in-the-flesh visit. It’s the only way people can get a sense for your community and the facilities that support that community. That’s why promoting events at your site can be so powerful. While your buildings and equipment may be important, that’s not what’s going to sway people. They need to see your community in action: meet the people, and see how they interact with one another. And they can’t do that without visiting. So how can you get the word out—and get people to come? Read More

Optimization for Nonprofit Marketing

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Anyone involved in marketing for non-profit organizations knows that marketing methods have changed dramatically over the last few years. But change is nothing new. We know… Read More

Marketing ROI for Builders and Remodelers

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When you build a home for someone they generally have a pretty specific set of expectations of what they’re going to get for their money. The homeowner invests a certain amount of… Read More

Paper Clip Marketing

Image for Paper Clip Marketing
Pay-per-click advertising has grown in popularity since it’s introduction in 2002. That seems like an eternity in the fast-paced, ever-changing world of the Internet. For many businesses, bidding for keyword phrases that are relevant to their target markets—and then paying only when their ads are clicked is an important part of their online marketing and advertising strategy. Read More

Is the Medium Really the Message?

Image for Is the Medium Really the Message?
Guest post from Mike Smith at Wordsmith Creative When communications guru Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, “The medium is the message” back in 1964 he was trying to help people understand that… Read More