Marketing Today: Why We Blog

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If you read about marketing today or go to a marketing seminar or webinar, you’re almost guaranteed to come across information about blogging. Every decent social media and/or marketing… Read More

Marketing Trends: Revisiting the Need for Speed

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CNN recently reported on a trend to slow down communication. That may seem counter-intuitive in today’s “get-it-there-faster” environment. And yet, Snail Mail My Email, A volunteer-based project out of San Francisco has… Read More

Marketing Lessons from the Princess Bride

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Guest Post, Mike Smith In The Princess Bride (one of my all-time favorite movies) Inigo Montoya utters one of my favorite lines of all time. After his evil boss, Vizzini, repeatedly cries… Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: Back to the Future?

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If you wait long enough, things tend to cycle around. And while I hope that white belts, white shoes and polyester suits for men never make a comeback, there are some things… Read More

Stop Drowning Yourself—and Others—in Email!

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Email overload is choking businesses everywhere. It’s one of the top complaints from people at every level of every company. Businesses lose countless hours every day to dealing with unwanted, unnecessary email. Read More

Direct Marketing Today: Branding and Response in Harmony!

Image for Direct Marketing Today: Branding and Response in Harmony!
Some companies (and their marketing/advertising agencies) tend to focus on branding. They want to make sure that consumers recognize them and associate certain characteristics with their company. They’re after mindshare. They want… Read More

Three Direct Mail Best Practices

Image for Three Direct Mail Best Practices
According to a report from the advertising and marketing consulting firm Winterberry Group, spending on direct mail is expected to reach $47.8 billion, In 2011, a 5.8% increase over last year (… Read More