Direct Mail and Online Marketing: A Powerful Combo

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Some people might think that Direct Mail and Online Marketing are rather odd bedfellows. One seems kind of “old school” and the other is what’s happening today. In fact, by combining the… Read More

6 Questions to Ask Your Direct Mail Fulfillment Company

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  When you were in elementary school, someone probably told you that there is no such thing as a stupid question. That may or may not be true, but when it comes to business, there are certain questions that are… Read More

Marketing Insights: Be Like Coke

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Call it a vice, an addiction or what I call it, simply, happiness in a can. I love me a Coca-Cola, and I’m not the only one. I even have a… Read More

What Should You Look for in a Colorado Springs Printer?

Image for What Should You Look for in a Colorado Springs Printer?
  Let’s answer that question by first asking another question. Why are you looking for a printer in the first place? Most businesses in Colorado Springs don’t print things just to hang them on their office walls. Chances are, if… Read More

3 Direct Mail Tips for Your Next Mailing

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The struggles of the United States Postal System (USPS) have been well documented of late. Despite those struggles, direct mail remains a viable and effective means for businesses to get their… Read More

Marketing Failure is Not an Option (Oh, Really?)

Image for Marketing Failure is Not an Option (Oh, Really?)
Guest Post, Mike Smith of WordSmith Creative Fans of the classic Ron Howard space epic Apollo 13 will remember the galvanizing quote from mission control director Gene Kranz when the ground crew… Read More

Are Direct Mail Services a Thing of the Past?

Image for Are Direct Mail Services a Thing of the Past?
  If you’ve read the headlines about the problems facing the United States Postal System lately, you may think that the U.S.P.S. is headed the way of the dinosaur. While the long-range prognosis for the Post Office is not all… Read More