Direct Mail: Gateway to the Internet

Image for Direct Mail: Gateway to the Internet
Every now and then when you ask for directions you’ll hear someone offer the less-than-helpful opinion that, “You can’t get there from here!” What people really mean is that you may have… Read More

How Many Ways Are You Talking With Your Customers?

Image for How Many Ways Are You Talking With Your Customers?
Chances are you’re already talking with your customers and prospects on a regular basis—and that’s a good thing. But are you talking where they’re listening? If you want to reach a broader… Read More

The Missing Link in Your Link Tracking

Image for The Missing Link in Your Link Tracking
Using links in your marketing messaging is a great way to engage potential customers and lead them to more detailed information about a product or service that you provide. And it’s a… Read More

How to Write the Worst Builder Blog Post Ever

Image for How to Write the Worst Builder Blog Post Ever
Instead of focusing on all of the things that you can do to have the best builder blog post ever, this article is all about the worst things that you can do… Read More

Marketing Today: The Myth of Perfect Timing

Image for Marketing Today: The Myth of Perfect Timing
There’s no way around it . . . marketing costs money. So when companies spend money on marketing, they want to be sure they do it right and get the most bang… Read More

Marketing Today: The Diversified Portfolio Approach

Image for Marketing Today: The Diversified Portfolio Approach
For years, certified financial planners have stressed the importance of having a diversified financial portfolio. The idea is that you spread out your risk so that when one investment doesn’t perform well,… Read More

Generate Builder Leads Over the Weekend

Image for Generate Builder Leads Over the Weekend
Many builder blog managers put their blogs to sleep over the weekend.  The majority of the people who read blogs regularly are out enjoying time with their friends and families on the… Read More