Inbound Marketing For Startups

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  It’s been said that inbound marketing and startups are a match made in heaven, and it’s hard to find a reason to disagree. Inbound marketing, as opposed to outbound marketing, is all about earning the attention of your… Read More

Making LinkedIn Work For You

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Most businesses today understand the significance of social media. No matter if you’re the world’s largest shoe company or a small family owned coffee shop with one location,… Read More

4 Steps To Getting Your Mail Read

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  Direct marketing to consumers with advertisements, fliers, promotional letters, etc., is one of the most reliable methods of modern marketing. While alternatives like inbound marketing have been stealing away way much of the… Read More

Email Marketing Secrets

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  In the early days of Internet marketing, e-mail marketing was the alpha wolf at the head of the marketing pack. Everyone had an email address, spam-filtering technology was not what it is today and the novelty and newness… Read More

Is Google Your Friend Or Your Foe?

Image for Is Google Your Friend Or Your Foe?
Marketers love Google. Marketers hate Google. Marketers depend on Google. Marketers try to outsmart Google. If you’re involved in marketing for your business one thing is for sure: you can’t get away… Read More

Content Marketing 101 for Businesses

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Content marketing refers to marketing that creates and shares free content in order to attract and retain a very specific and well-defined customer demographic. This content is provided in hopes that… Read More